
时间:2016-01-14 22:41:16


  [01:09.96]That’s so nice. 你太好了
  [01:11.44]- No. - Sorry. -等等  -请说
  [01:13.80]No, no. I am sorry. 我才是很抱歉
  [01:16.64]I am so sorry for nearly curing an incurable3 romantic4. 我很抱歉差点毁了这一切
  [01:20.00]I want you to expect everything from me. 我希望你对我有所要求
  [01:23.32]You’re not gonna get it, but I promise to try and give it. 当然不可能样样都来,但我会尽力
  [01:28.68]I love you, Meryl. 我爱你梅莉
  [01:31.84]If you are in fact Meryl. I can’t really see, I’m sorry. 不过你应该就是梅莉吧? 因为我眼睛有点看不清楚
  [01:35.36]I’m Meryl, trust me. 我是啦
  [01:39.04]’Cause I trust you all over again. 因为我再度相信了你
  [02:00.80]Watch your head, please. 小心
  [02:02.16]Goodbye, Lucy. I hope I get to hear you on the radio soon. 露西再见,希望早点听见你大展歌喉
  [02:05.32]- Thank you. - You’re welcome. -谢谢  -不客气
  [02:09.84]- Earl. - Lucy. -欧尔  -露西
  [02:11.20]- Eat some meat. - Eat some meat. Okay. -吃点肉吧 -我会的
  [02:14.52]- Okay, good. Good. - Take care. -很好,很好  -保重
  [02:16.36]Earl, I think we’ve become good friends. 欧尔我觉得我们已经是好朋友了
  [02:18.72]- Think what you want. - Or not. Whatever. -随便你  -又或许不是,算了
  [02:21.88]- So... - I don’t know what to say, except -那个  -我不知该说什么是好
  [02:25.76]we are really, truly sorry about... 我们真的很抱歉
  [02:31.28]- About everything. - Yeah. -引起这一切  -没关系
  [02:31.60]The Feds are so happy with us, they’re letting Clay5 keep his job. 联邦调查局很钦佩我们的表现 他们还说要让警长继续做下去
  [02:32.92]Don’t be. 别在意
  [02:36.80]Is that right? That’s great news. 真的吗?太好啦
  [02:38.80]- Congratulations6. - Thank you. -恭喜  -谢谢
  [02:41.32]Mr. and Mrs. Morgan, we’re ready for you. 摩根夫妇,我们可以出发了


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