[01:49.36]你介意我坐下来吗? Would you like me to lie on the couch?
[01:51.30]请随意 As you wish.
[01:55.73]作为一个心理研究者 我很好奇 As a physician, I’m curious.
[01:58.36]在你描述的无穷的生命里 In this enormous lifetime you describe,
[02:01.73]你生过病吗? Have you ever been ill?
[02:03.58]当然 和普通人一样 Sure, as much as anyone.
[02:05.40]重病呢? Seriously ill?
[02:06.96]有时 Sometimes.
[02:08.46]得了什么病?你知道吗? Of what? Do you know?
[02:10.43]在史前时期 我不知道 In prehistory, I can’t tell you.
[02:12.03]也许得过一两次的肺炎 Maybe pneumonia6 once or twice.
[02:15.60]持续了几百年时间 Last few hundred years,
[02:17.50]我克服了伤寒 黄热病 I’ve gotten over typhoid, yellow fever,
[02:20.70]天花 我从黑死病中幸存下来 Smallpox7... I survived the black plague.
[02:23.86]黑死病? Bubonic?
[02:25.16]哦 太可怕了 Oh, that’s terrible.
[02:26.56]比历史书上写的更严重 More so than history describes.
[02:28.30]还有天花 但你身上没有疤痕 And smallpox - But you’re not scarred.
[02:31.86]我从不留疤 I don’t scar.
[02:33.06]不 John 那不可能 No, john, that is not possible.
[02:34.46]拜托 我们应该关注John这故事 Please, let’s take john’s story
[02:35.80]本身的意义和将来的研究价值 At face value and explore it from that perspective.
[02:38.95]他不结疤这点和其他部分比 一点不奇怪 If he doesn’t scar, it’s no stranger than the rest of it.