[04:22.20]它还会一样吗? Would it be the same?
[04:23.70]不会 我想肯定大不一样了 都改建过了 No. I’m sure it’s all different and built up.
[04:26.60]这就应了那句老话"你无法再次回家" Thus the saying "You can’t go home again"
[04:29.46]因为它已经不在那儿了 Because it isn’t there anymore.
[04:30.76]站在我的立场考虑下 Picture it on my scale-
[04:32.56]我不断地在一望无际的平原迁徙 I migrated through an endless flat space
[04:35.90]不断接受着新事物 Full of endless new things-
[04:38.33]森林 山川 冻土 峡谷 Forests, mountains, tundra11, canyons12.
[04:43.20]我只记得它们当时的样子 My memory sees what I saw then.
[04:46.78]而如今它们已经变成高速公路 蔓延的城镇 My eye sees freeways, urban sprawl13,
[04:50.11]埃菲尔铁塔下造起了麦当劳 Big macs under the eiffel tower.
[04:53.36]在早期 世界变得越来越大 Early on, the world got bigger and bigger,
[04:56.10]于是 And then...
[04:58.43]想想看 我需要修改的地方 Think what I’ve had to unlearn.
[05:00.26]而你还是得继续上路 And now you’re moving on.
[00:02.13]像你刚才说的 她们说我不会变老 As you’ve said, there’s talk of my not aging,
[00:04.86]一旦有人谈起 我就会离开 And when that happens, I move on.
[00:07.66]这就解释了 你会换下一个身份 Well, it might make sense to set up your next identity,
[00:11.26]计划下一个十年 然后开始实践 Your next ten years, and then just drop into it.
[00:14.56]我已经做过几次了 I’ve done that a few times,