
时间:2015-10-29 20:53:09


  [01:40.46]You do? 是吗?
  [01:40.66]You know I do. 你知道的
  [01:44.70]Now, look, I am going to grab you, 我要抱着你
  [01:50.02]and I am going to kiss you. 我要吻你
  [01:52.66]Okay. Okay? - 好吧  - 行吗?
  [01:53.66]And I am gonna take the lead, 我主动
  [01:54.18]and you are gonna let me. 你跟着我
  [01:57.22]All right. 好吧
  [01:57.86]Here it comes. 来吧
  [02:01.26]- You can do that now.  - Okay. - 你现在就可以做了  - 好吧
  [02:04.70]In all, 15 peoples died in that horrible crash. 总共有15人在那场车祸中丧生
  [02:09.78]And I’m sure everyone here thinks that... 我相信所有人都认为...
  [02:14.94]That that is terrible. 那真是太惨了
  [02:16.14]I mean, I’ll keep a thought in my heart 我是说 我会在心里 为那些不幸的同胞
  [02:19.54]for those poor people... family. 和他们的家人祈祷
  [02:24.98]What a prick3. 真是个白痴
  [02:28.46]Go to commercial. 插广告
  [03:22.26]# It’s true # # 这是真的 #
  [03:23.62]# what they say # # 他们说 #
  [03:26.82]# The only way to live right is with your life # # 要把握生命 #
  [03:35.38]# Holding on just prolongs the bad times # # 艰难岁月也要坚持 #
  [03:44.02]# and oh, you deserve the good fight # # 哦 你会活出精彩 #


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