
时间:2015-09-28 22:17:27


  [01:12.60]Hey, not to be a buzzkill... 嘿,我不是想扫你兴…
  [01:15.12]...but you’re due in court... …不过你得在…
  [01:18.44]...in 22 minutes. …在22分钟后出庭
  [01:20.12]Ned, I need more time. 奈德,我需要更多的时间
  [01:23.96]- I have to stop this. - To the Nedmobile. - 我得阻止这一切 - 该奈德机动队上场了
  [01:26.32]- Wait, Ned, Ned, Ned. - Yes. - 等等,奈德,奈德,奈德 - 恩
  [01:27.64]- Pants. - I should have pants on. Yes. - 你的裤子 - 我得穿上裤子,对
  [01:42.88]NED: Come on, Glenn! 快点,格伦
  [01:45.72]He’s nothing but a glorified2 midget wrangler3. 他不过是个自以为是的侏儒放牧人
  [01:46.88]You wouldn’t be so big without that vest! 要不是那件背心,我会完全无视你
  [01:50.24]Grab that thing that’s down there. Grab it. Just hold that up. 把下面那东西拿出来,举到头顶
  [01:53.08]- Where you get this? - Best 20 ever spent. - 你从哪弄到这个的? - 20元店买到的最好的东西
  [01:55.44]Saves me a half hour on my commute4. 在我上下班的路上 可以给我节省半个小时
  [01:57.60]Dude, just hold it. Hold it way up. 伙计,举起来,举得高高的
  [02:16.84]- The whole truth, nothing but the truth, so help you God? 你可以向上帝发誓你所说的都是事实 并无虚言吗?
  [02:19.20]SCARLET: I do. 我发誓
  [02:22.04]You request a divorce by the state of California... 你以无法调和的矛盾为理由请求…


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