
时间:2015-09-08 12:31:25


  [00:54.95]And I've been determined not to let that happen to me. 我一直下定决心 不让那种事发生在我身上
  [00:59.75]To live my life at the whim of others. 不顾别人异样眼光地过我的生活
  [01:02.75]You don't have to. 你不必的
  [01:06.04]I know that now. 我现在知道了
  [01:11.55]I just wish I could have helped him. 我只希望能帮得了他
  [01:13.47]You were only a kid. 你那时候还小
  [01:15.14]I know. 我知道
  [01:19.35]But to watch your father, your hero, just... 结果看着自己的父亲 自己的英雄...
  [01:25.19]dissolve right before your eyes... 在你眼前瓦解...
  [01:30.61]You really loved your dad. 你真的很爱你爸
  [01:34.61]Yeah. 是的
  [01:37.91]I hope he knew how much. 希望他知道我有多爱他
  [01:42.50]Wherever he is, I bet he knows how you feel. 不管他在何方 我相信他知道你的感受
  [01:49.50]Ian, death doesn't put an end to love. 伊恩,死亡不会令爱结束
  [01:59.43]You think so? 你这么认为吗?
  [02:01.85]I know it. 我知道
  [02:14.36]Why didn't you ever tell me any of this? 你为何从不告诉我这些事?
  [02:21.87]I guess... 我猜...
  [02:25.87]I guess I just didn't want to feel any of it. 我猜我只是不想触景生情
  [02:33.72]I'm so glad we're here. 我很高兴我们来了
  [02:40.39]Me, too. 我也是
  [02:54.11]I wish we didn't have to go. 但愿我们不必走
  [02:55.82]Go where? 走去哪?
  [02:56.91]Back to London. My graduation concert. Any of this ringing a bell? 回伦敦呀,我的毕业演奏会 想起来了没?


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