
时间:2015-08-27 20:20:36


  [02:20.50]That’s nice. Give me something else. 很好,再换个姿势
  [02:22.58]Here we go. Talking to her. 好,我在和她聊天
  [02:25.90]That’s good. 很好
  [02:26.26]One more. 再来一张
  [02:28.34]Very sweet. 真靓
  [02:32.22]That’s it. That’s the one. 就这张了
  [02:33.42]That’s the one. 这张最好了
  [02:35.50]Just give me a second. 稍等我一下
  [02:55.98]I love you, Julia. 我爱你,Julia
  [03:53.38]There you are! 你回来了
  [03:58.14]That smells good. What are we having? 真香,是什么?
  [04:00.30]Navarin d’agneau. 洋葱马铃薯炖羊肉
  [04:08.18]Something for you. 有你的东西
  [05:08.82]Subtitles by LeapinLar


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