
时间:2015-05-25 21:57:08


  [02:52.16]I want you to go.
  [02:57.04]Anyway, you’ve left something of yours behind.
  [02:59.88]至少 你留下了点什么东西
  [03:04.68]I won’t say anything to Mother and Father till the morning.
  [03:14.24]It’s better this way.
  [04:23.40]喂 喂
  [04:23.60]Psst. Psst!
  [04:27.68]She think you not coming.
  [04:30.16]她没有上船  她跑去荷属婆罗洲了
  [04:30.36]She not catch boat. She making a run for Dutch5 Borneo.
  [04:34.48]Head for old mine.
  [04:54.04]You do realize I can’t let you go.


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