
时间:2015-03-22 19:59:47


  [02:45.06]Yes, sir. Absolutely. 是的,没问题
  [02:47.37]Yes, sir. 是的
  [02:49.20]No, sir, that’s it. 就这样
  [02:50.77]Thank you very much. Bye-bye. 谢谢你,再见
  [02:54.87]Chris. Come. 克里斯,来吧
  [03:25.14]- Hi, Chris. - Mr. Frohm, good to see you. -嗨,克里斯 -很高兴见到你
  [03:29.37]- Nice shirt. - Thank you, sir. -很帅的衬衫 -谢谢你
  [03:31.51]- Chris. - Hey, Jay. 克里斯
  [03:33.15]- Chris. - Chris, sit down, please. 克里斯,请坐
  [03:40.35]I thought I’d wear a shirt today. 我今天特地穿了衬衫
  [03:44.62]You know, being the last day and all. 今天是最后一天
  [03:46.79]Well, thank you. Thank you. We appreciate that. 谢谢你,感激不尽
  [03:53.00]...wear one tomorrow though, okay? 记得明天也要穿衬衫
  [03:56.00]Because tomorrow’s going to be your first day... 因为那是你 正式上班的第一天
  [03:59.67]...if you’d like to work here as a broker6. 如果你想当股票经纪人的话
  [04:04.24]Would you like that, Chris? 你想要吗?
  [04:06.98]Yes, sir. 当然想
  [04:08.78]Good. We couldn’t be happier. 很好,我们对你很满意
  [04:13.12]So welcome. 欢迎加入本公司
  [04:18.16]- Was it as easy as it looked? - No, sir. No, sir, it wasn’t. -这有你想的那么简单吗? -没有,并没有
  [04:25.50]- Good luck, Chris. - Thank you. Thank you. -祝你好运 -谢谢大家
  [04:34.31]Oh, Chris. 对了 ,克里斯
  [04:38.68]I almost forgot. 我差点忘了
  [04:42.81]Thank you. 谢谢你


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