
时间:2015-02-25 20:55:46


  [03:60.73]糖果是在浪费时间 Candy is a waste of time.
  [03:64.57]我儿子绝对不可能去做巧克力 No son of mine is going to be a chocolatier.
  [03:68.34]那我逃走算了 Then I’ll run away.
  [03:70.07]逃去瑞士或巴伐利亚 To Switzerland. Bavaria.
  [03:72.44]全世界的糖果重镇 The candy capitals of the world.
  [04:15.08]去啊 Go ahead.
  [04:16.58]等你回来的时  我就不在了 But I won’t be here when you come back.
  [04:46.98]抱歉 Sorry, son.
  [04:48.45]今晚的营业时间到了 We’re closing for the night.
  [00:16.37]我要选一个房间 I wanna pick a room.
  [00:21.08]请便 Go ahead.
  [00:41.40]拿着 Here.
  [00:43.17]赶快戴上  无论如何都别摘下来 Put these on quick, and don’t take them off whatever you do.
  [00:46.74]这光线会烧得你眼珠子突出来 This light could burn your eyeballs right out of your skulls1.
  [00:50.01]这种事还是别发生得好  对吧? And we certainly don’t want that, now, do we?
  [00:55.82]我们在这里测试 我最新最伟大的发明 This is the testing room for my very latest and greatest invention:
  [00:59.92]电视巧克力糖 Television Chocolate.
  [00:62.56]有一天我突发奇想 One day it occurred to me:
  [00:63.96]如果电视能把一张照片 "Hey, if television can break up a photograph...
  [00:66.86]分解成几百万个小微粒 迅速地在空中传送... into millions and millions of tiny pieces and send it whizzing through the air...


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