
时间:2015-02-04 21:33:28


  [01:73.38]不对  不是那 No. It’s not that one.
  [02:27.19]找到了 There it is.
  [02:29.10]找错了 There it isn’t.
  [02:30.50]爸爸  叫它们住手! Daddy, I want them to stop.
  [02:42.98]它们在干嘛? What are they doing?
  [02:44.58]它们在检查她是不是坏坚果 They’re testing to see if she’s a bad nut.
  [02:48.68]天哪  她终究是个坏坚果 Oh, my goodness. She is a bad nut after all.
  [02:58.66]维露卡! Veruca!
  [02:60.56]爸爸! Daddy!
  [02:62.10]它们要带她去哪里? Where are they taking her?
  [02:63.80]所有坏坚果都要扔进垃圾滑槽 Where all the other bad nuts go. To the garbage chute.
  [02:67.57]滑槽通往哪里? Where does the chute go?
  [02:69.14]通往焚化炉 To the incinerator.
  [02:71.14]但别担心  只有礼拜二才会焚烧 But don’t worry. We only light it on Tuesdays.
  [02:73.71]今天就是礼拜二 Today is Tuesday.
  [03:17.48]他们有可能决定今天不焚烧 Well, there’s always the chance they decided not to light it today.
  [03:38.90]说不定她刚掉下去 就卡在滑槽里了 Now, she may be stuck in the chute just below the top.
  [03:42.04]真是这样  你就伸手拉她出来就好了 If that’s the case, all you have to do is just reach in and pull her out.


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