
时间:2014-10-15 19:48:50


  [00:36.53]No students. 别和学生搞
  [00:39.94]I’m serious. 我是认真的
  [00:42.91]I don’t want to teach a class wondering why a girl is wearing my perfume. 我可不想上课的时候寻思为什么 那女孩用我的香水之类的事情
  [00:49.95]-Katherine, l-- -I need your word. -凯瑟琳, 我-- -我需要你的承诺
  [00:56.72]All right, you have my word. 好吧,我答应你
  [01:00.96]-Okay. -Now can we change the subject? -好的 -现在我们可以换个话题了吧?
  [01:03.43]Talk about something a little more interesting? 谈点更有趣的东西吧?
  [01:07.30]Like breakfast. 比如早餐
  [01:10.87]You know, I make a mean blueberry pancake. 我会做简单的烤饼
  [01:13.37]I just put that shoe on. 我刚穿上那只鞋
  [01:15.47]I don’t think I know you well enough for breakfast. 我们还没熟到一起吃早餐的地步
  [01:18.28]I don’t know about that. 这我还不知道
  [01:23.68]So how does a guy get to know you better? 男人怎样才能更加了解你?
  [01:25.92]Well, let me-- That’s a good idea. 嗯--,那 是个好主意
  [01:37.69]Is that a battle wound you have? 那是打仗留下的伤疤吗?
  [01:44.00]I’m a sucker for war stories in Romance languages. 我很容易会为浪漫的战争故事着迷
  [01:48.31]-Well, that’s pretty easy. -Yeah? -那很容易 -是吗?
  [01:52.44]I was in a village...called San Remo... 我们当时在一个叫做...圣雷莫的村子...
  [02:00.52]...the Krauts pounded us hard... ...德国佬火力很强...
  [02:04.59]...me & Stan... ...我和斯坦...
  [02:06.39]...you remember Stan? We were the only two left from our platoon. ...你还记得斯坦吗? 我们是我们 那个排硕果仅存的两个
  [02:11.40]We heard a distant cry coming from an abandoned shed. 我听见远处的棚屋有人呼救
  [02:19.54]When night fell... 天黑的时候...
  [02:21.77]A trap it was? 是圈套吗?


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