
时间:2014-08-24 22:09:32


  [02:13.66]Hurry up, then 那就快点
  [02:15.75]I'm closing 要关门了
  [02:17.46]Thank you 谢谢
  [03:42.03]Two peas in a pod, wouldn't you say 这样才完美  你说呢
  [03:45.79]It's the music you were just playing 这是你刚才吹的那段音乐
  [03:48.58]What is it? 叫什么
  [03:53.42]It doesn't have a name 没有名字
  [03:58.38]Just a handful of people have had the privilege of hearing it 只有少数人听过
  [04:07.22]That style. I was wondering since this morning, but... 这种曲风  今天早上我就在想
  [04:12.60]I can't work out who this amazing piano player is 我不认识这个出神入化的钢琴师
  [04:17.40]I don't think you ever heard of him 我想你从来没听说过他
  [04:19.57]Who is he? 他是谁
  [04:20.57]If I told you this pianist never existed 如果我告诉你这个钢琴师从来不存在
  [04:25.62]I wouldn't be lying 我没说谎
  [04:27.16]I don't like secrets 我不喜欢秘密
  [04:28.78]Come on now, Yank who the devil is playing? 快点  美国佬  这人是谁
  [04:34.83]That's my secret 那是我的秘密
  [04:49.64]It was the first year of this frigging century 那是这个该死的世纪的第一年
  [04:53.22]as defined by an unknown colored coal stoker on the Virginian 被一个弗吉尼亚不知名的黑人煤矿工命名的
  [04:57.94]Fucking rich-ass bastards Can't lose nothing 该死的有钱人  什么都没留下
  [05:00.90]but cigarette butts and dirty-ass handkerchiefs 除了烟头和脏兮兮的手帕


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