
时间:2014-07-14 20:44:52


  [00:01.43]Come back... 回去吧
  [00:05.30]...so we can be young men together again. 我们就能做回年轻人了
  [00:12.44]Come back with me. 跟我回去
  [00:17.51]Come back. 回去吧
  [00:28.69]Hot towel, sir? 要热毛巾吗 先生
  [00:31.03]We'll be landing in Los Angeles in about 20 minutes. 飞机大约在20分钟后降落到洛杉矶机场
  [00:34.06]Do you need immigration forms? 请问您需要移民申请表吗
  [00:38.47]Thank you. 谢谢
  [00:40.27]Hot towel, sir? 需要热毛巾吗 先生
  [00:42.90]No. Do you need immigration forms? 不      请问您需要移民申请表吗?
  [01:57.28]Welcome home, Mr. Cobb. 欢迎回来 柯布先生


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