
时间:2022-02-14 14:59:22


[01:07.94]I remember you Ieaving me with my dick in my hand behind that gas station. 我记得你把口袋空空的我 扔在那个加油站
[01:12.22]Yeah, well, I got a ride. The guy took off before I hardly closed the door. 是啊,我当时搭到一个便车 我一关上门那家伙就开走了
[01:14.74]I had to walk back two miles. 后来我不得不又往回走了两英里
[01:19.42]Your conscience4 got the better of you, that's what. 你的良心占了上风 这就是原因
[01:24.46]What the hell5's that? 那他妈是什么声音?
[01:27.94]It's her birthday. 今天是她的生日
[01:52.02]You're not breathing right. That's why you're panting6. 你的呼吸方法不对 这就是为什么你大口喘气
[01:57.74]How old does that make you? 那你多大了?
[01:59.54]I'm 32, Mr. Dunn. 我32了,邓先生
[02:01.62]I'm celebrating that I spent another year scraping7 dishes and waitressing... 我在这里庆祝 我又花了一年的时间洗盘子和当女招待
[02:07.54]...which is what I been doing since 1 3. 我从13岁就开始干这些了
[02:10.22]And according to you, I'II be 37 before I can even throw a decent8 punch9... 根据您的理论 我37岁之前打不出一记象样的拳...
[02:12.90]...which after working this speed bag for a month and getting nowhere... ...打了这个梨球一个月 一点进展也没有...
[02:15.54]...I now realize may be God's simple truth. ...我现在认识到 上帝的现实也许就是这样
[02:19.02]Other truth is, my brother's in prison... 另外的现实是,我的哥哥在监狱里
[02:22.22]...my sister cheats on welfare by pretending one of her kids is still alive... 我的妹妹假装 自己的一个孩子还活着,诈骗福利金
[02:25.30]...my daddy's dead, and my mama weighs 31 2 pounds. 我爸爸死了 我妈有312磅重

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