
时间:2022-02-14 14:45:37


  [00:49.66]Now, you get this down, we'II put you on the speed bag. 等练完这个 我们就安排你打梨球

  [00:55.90]You do have a speed bag. 你有梨球吧

  [01:11.14]I'II just borrow it till I can buy my own. 我有钱买自己的之前先借用一下

  [01:13.06]AII right, you go on home now. 好,那你回家吧

  [01:14.14]-I'II walk out with you? -No, I am home. - 我和你一起出去? - 不用,这里就是我家

  [01:17.30]-Wanna see? -Yeah. - 想看看吗? - 嗯

  [01:29.02]It's nice. 挺好的

  [01:33.54]Would it bother you if I worked a Iittle Ionger? 我再打一会儿会不会打扰您?

  [01:34.50]No, just pull the door closed when you Ieave. 不会,走的时候把门关好就行了

  [01:40.66]Thank you. 谢谢

  [01:58.94]If there's magic in boxing... 如果拳击运动中有诀窍的话...

  [02:03.34]...it's the magic of fighting battles beyond endurance... ...那么这种诀窍就是不停战斗 超越耐力的极限...

  [02:06.30]...beyond cracked ribs2ruptured3 kidneys and detached retinas. ...超越折断的肋骨 破裂的肾脏,和脱落的视网膜

  [02:21.54]It's the magic of risking everything for a dream that nobody sees but you. 这种诀窍是 为了别人无法了解的梦想而赌上一切

  [02:36.94]Okay, okay, fellas, watch the footwork. 好了,好了,伙计们 看好脚步


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