
时间:2021-06-16 14:59:57


[01:09.16]Maybe you got a severed1 vein2... 也许是断了一条血管...
[01:12.12]...or you just can 't get the coagulant3 deep enough. ...或者你就是无法让止血药深入里面
[01:15.48]-Come on! -Break. Break. - 加油! - 分开,分开
[01:19.00]There are all kinds of combinations you come up against... 在肌肉的不同层次
[01:21.36]...down in the different layers of meat... 你会遇到各种不同的问题组合
[01:24.96]...and Frankie knew how to work every one. 而弗兰基全都知道如何解决
[01:36.36]-That' s it! Come on! -What are you doing? - 对!加油! - 你在做什么?
[01:41.32]Knock him out, Willie! 打倒他,威利!
[01:53.40]People love violence. 人们热爱暴力
[01:54.96]They'll slow down at a car wreck4 to check for bodies. 他们会在车祸现场 减慢车速查看死尸
[01:57.16]Same people claim to love boxing. 就是这些人宣称他们热爱拳击
[02:00.92]They got no idea what it is. 他们根本不了解拳击是什么
[02:03.52]Boxing is about respect. 拳击是有关尊严
[02:05.08]Getting it for yourself... 赢得你自己的...
[02:07.60]...and taking it away from the other guy. ...同时剥夺对手的
[02:13.84]I'II warm up the car. 我先去发动车
[02:17.12]Mr. Dunn? 邓先生?
[02:17.32]I owe you money? 我欠你钱?
[02:20.20]No, sir. 没有,先生
[02:22.92]I know your mama? 我认识你妈妈?

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