
时间:2020-03-13 11:34:30


[04:49.04]No, I'm selling the van. - What? - 我要把它卖了 - 什么?
[04:51.24]Why sell the van? - I can't afford the payment5 , guys, come on. - 为什么卖了? - 钱不够啊
[04:55.72]Just wait for a while. 等会儿再说
[04:56.32]It's your birthday. 今天是你生日
[00:07.04]Happy birthday Oscar. 生日快乐 Oscar
[00:40.36]Pick up, Pick up, Pick up. - Hello. - 接啊 接啊 接啊 - 喂
[00:42.40]Norah turn on the TV, channel 65. Norah 打开电视 65频道
[00:56.44]I probably shouldn't But what you got for dessert? 我也许不该再吃了 你们这儿有什么甜点?
[00:58.60]I recommend1 the pecan pie. 我推荐核桃派
[01:03.00]Are you sure? 是吗?
[01:11.72]One pecan pie coming up. 一份核桃派 马上就来
[02:11.76]Hello? 喂?
[02:23.76]Mom? 老妈?
[02:28.28]Today was Oscar eighth birthday. 今天是Oscar的八岁生日
[02:34.84]And we did a big thing for him At Hinkle's. 我们在Hinkle's给他办了派对
[02:39.12]And Winston came. Winston也来了
[02:40.12]After dinner Norah and Oscar played senepede and... 吃完饭 Norah和Oscar玩游戏
[02:46.84]Put A.S.S. as their Initials2 and gotten big trouble by the manager. 他们自称为A.S.S. 惹了大麻烦 经理都来了
[02:56.88]I don't know If you are in heaven. 我不知道你在天堂
[02:59.84]Or not. 还是不在
[03:02.08]But I know that you're not here. 但我知道你不在这儿
[03:05.44]And that is too bad for you. 对你来说真是遗憾
[03:09.20]Because you've really missed out. 因为你真的错过很多
[03:12.76]You missed out on some really great stuff3. 你错过了许多很棒的事情

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