
时间:2018-04-10 12:22:10


[00:28.26]Let it go. 忘了吧
[00:34.34]Just let it go. 忘了它吧
[00:42.02]lt's okay. 都过去了
[00:49.38]l love you. 我爱你
[00:59.18]lt's not your fault. Okay? 那不怪你 好吗?
[01:05.62]Okay, l want to tell you something. 好了 我要告诉你件事
[01:10.90]My dad overturned the committee's decision. 我爸爸不同意委员会的决定
[01:17.18]He'd much rather put up with you in my life than lose me in his. 比起让他失去我 他更愿意让我们在一起
[01:25.82]But l don't know if that's for me. 但是我不知道那比赛是不是为了我
[01:26.54]But l thought this was your dream. 但是我想这是你的梦想
[01:30.78]lt's my brother's dream. 是我弟弟的梦想
[01:34.70]He was supposed to be this. Not me. 他本来应该在这里的 而不是我
[01:39.26]Well, then do it for your brother. 那就为了你弟弟去实现它
[01:43.02]Do it for Duron. 为了Duron去实现它
[01:47.90]The elimination1 rounds are over and only the finalists remain. 淘汰赛已经结束 现在就是决赛了
[01:52.54]This is the last chance for these teams to let out all the stops. 这是这些队伍的最后一站了
[01:57.46]Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name... 我们在天上的父, 愿人都尊你的名为圣...
[01:58.82]...thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. ...愿你的国降临 愿你的旨意行在地上, 如同行在天上


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