
时间:2018-03-05 12:21:16


[02:54.16]There she blows. 开始了
[03:06.48]Come on. 快点
[03:31.44]Give me some lightning. 来点闪电
[03:34.32]Hit him again! 再来
[03:37.04]Hit him again! 再来一次
[03:50.52]- He can't die on television!  全世界在看,不能淹死他
[03:55.84]- He was born on television. 他在电视上出生
[04:31.60]Hold on! 你办得到,抓紧
[04:57.44]ls that the best you can do? 就这样吗?
[05:00.00]You're gonna have to kill me! 你得杀了我才行
[00:41.36]l want to talk to him. 我要跟他讲话
[00:59.96]Truman ...  楚门
[01:02.44]You can speak. 说话吧
[01:06.92]l can hear you. 我听得到
[01:12.68]- Who are you?  你是谁?
[01:13.68]- l'm the creator of a TV show. 我是电视节目制作人
[01:15.76]lt gives hope and inspiration to millions. 给予无数人们希望和快乐
[01:23.64]- Then who am l?  我是谁?
[01:25.24]- You're the star. 你是主角
[01:34.04]- was nothing real? 什么都是假的?
[01:35.24]- You were real. 你是真的
[01:37.72]That's what made you so good to watch. 所以才这么好看


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