
时间:2018-02-26 12:28:20


[03:42.28]Somewhere in the vicinity of 5,000. 大约有五千部
[03:45.64]that's A lot of cameras. 好多
[03:47.16]Remember, we started with just one. 当初只有一部
[03:54.88]He was two weeks premature7, 他早产了两周
[03:56.60]as if he couldn't wait to get started. 似乎等不及了
[03:58.36]And his eagerness to leave the womb was the reason he was selected. 这也是你选中他的原因
[04:03.36]ln competition with five other unwanted pregnancies8 - 当时有六个待领养的婴儿
[04:07.64]- for a show determined9 by an air date, 在我们要播映的当天
[04:09.04]only Truman arrived on cue. 楚门按时出生
[04:15.76]l believe Truman is the first child to be adopted by a corporation. 他是第一个 被公司领养的小孩
[04:21.84]- That's correct. - 没错
[04:22.16]The show's made enormous revenue. 这节目的收益惊人
[04:25.32]Equivalent to the GNP of a small country. 相当于一个小国的生产毛额
[04:29.92]lt takes the population of an entire country to keep it running. 但要知道 这节目需要一国的人来维持
[04:31.68]Since it's on 24 hours, revenues are generated by product placement. 这节目24小时播出,没有广告
[04:35.44]All those staggering revenues Are generated By product placement. 所有的收入来自产品安插
[04:40.36]Everything on the show is for sale,  节目上的一切都是商品
[04:44.52]down to the very homes they live in. 服装、食品和住家


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