
时间:2018-02-19 16:34:13


[04:41.28]That would be quite a fairy tale. 那才真正是神话
[04:44.16]Have you called Ben or talked to him at all? 你到底有没有找Ben谈过?
[04:47.28]No, but he hasn't called me, either. 没有, 他也没有找我
[04:51.16]Normally I don't eat this much, but this doesn't feel like a first date... 平常并没有吃这么多 我拍不像个初次约会
[04:56.48]...since we've known each other for years, not counting seven or eight after college. 我们虽然相识数年 但毕业后一起吃饭最多七八次
[04:59.36]But clearly you don't have any problem talking a lot on a first date. 第一次约会不用 这么滔滔不绝的讲话
[00:06.28]- Sorry. I'm just a little nervous, I guess. - You don't have to be. - 对不起, 我只是有点神经过敏 - 不要那样
[00:16.88]Big Box was a nightmare1. They wouldn't let me return this. 这些大盒子真是个恶梦 但又不能退货
[00:19.08]Mom, you've met Luke. 妈, Luke你见过的
[00:23.56]Yes. Hard night to forget. 对, 难忘的一夜
[00:25.44]- Hey, great to see you again. - Yes. - 很高兴再见到你 - 是吗
[00:29.00]They wouldn't let me return it. They said it was open and used. 他们说不能退货 因为打开用过了
[00:32.20]- Ken2? Ken! - What? - Ken? Ken! - 什么!
[00:32.28]I'm looking for your father. Excuse me. 我在找你爸, 对不起
[00:36.48]The camera? I don't remember using this. 摄像机? 我记得没用过
[00:56.76]One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. 一, 二, 三  一, 二, 三 一, 二, 三
[01:01.80]What's he doing? 他在干什么?
[01:02.20]Oh, jeez. 啊
[01:08.80]He was practicing. 他在练习
[01:09.64]He could use it. 居然用来干这个
[01:14.84]I think we should call it a night. 我们今晚就到这吧
[01:18.72]Wait. It's early. 等等, 还早着呢
[01:23.48]What? 怎么了?
[01:30.52]I thought you were ready, Sam. 还以为你准备好了
[01:31.44]I thought this... Tonight meant you were ready. 至少今晚是准备好了

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