
时间:2017-09-11 12:02:35


[01:50.24]Said she didn't want to be a burden to me and Doug anymore. I don't know. 她说她不想再拖累我们了
[01:53.88]I couldn't talk her out of it. You know what? 我没办法说服她
[01:55.40]She's doing really great up there. 她在那里过的很好
[01:58.88]She's teaching an art class and she gets to paint every day. 她在那里还开班教划划
[02:03.48]In fact, she's even singing again. 她甚至又开始唱歌了
[02:05.52]Hey, look, I got a little gift for you too. 亨利,我也有个小礼物送你
[02:05.96]It's just a little something from one sailor to another one. 水手送水手的礼物
[02:11.60]You take care of yourself out there. 出门在外要小心
[02:25.72]Henry did not tell me about you. 亨利没跟我提过你
[02:28.52]Your fisherman muscles. 还有你的雄壮肌肉
[02:31.96]Can I touch? 我能碰一下吗?
[02:33.56]Sure. 当然
[02:41.76]Yes. 好耶
[02:50.36]The Beach Boys? 海滩男孩?
[02:50.88]How nice of him to give me a CD that will remind me... 这家伙竟然送我一张CD 让我想起...
[02:54.04]...of all the wonderful times I shared with his daughter. 我跟她女儿的美好恋情
[02:59.60]What an asshole! 真是个老混蛋!
[03:20.68]Oh, why? 为什么?
[03:22.48]Why would you do this to me? 你为什么这么对我?
[03:23.48]You sick bastard5! 你这个死老头!
[03:30.64]Oh, my God. 我的妈呀
[03:34.00]Is he trying to tell me something? 他是不是想告诉我什么?
[03:40.08]She only sings on days she meets you. 她只在遇见你的日子唱这首歌
[03:45.32]She remembers me? 她记得我?


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