
时间:2017-08-23 12:18:53


[03:41.72]Forty millimeter sabot rounds on that table! 桌子上有40厘米穿甲弹
[03:46.92]That's good. Get all the ammo you got. Everything you can carry. Bring it. 带上所有弹药
[03:55.08]You got to take me to my car. You have to take me to my car. 带我去找我的车
[03:56.36]He's gonna know what to do with the Cube. 它知道该怎么使用方块
[03:59.00]- Your car? It's confiscated6. - Then unconfiscate it. 你的车?它被没收了 把它还给我
[04:00.72]We do not know what will happen if we let it near this thing! 我们不知道它拿到方块会怎样
[04:01.40]- You don't know. - Maybe you know, but I don't know. 你不知道 也许你知道,但我不知道
[04:04.40]I have people's lives at stake here, young man. 人命关天,少年人
[04:04.80]You just wanna sit here and wait and see what happens? 你要在这里坐以待毙?
[04:06.80]Take him to his car! 带他去找他的车
[04:11.68]Drop it. 放下武器
[04:14.56]Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! 喔!喔!喔!
[04:17.32]Drop your weapon, soldier. 放下你的武器,大兵
[04:18.32]There's an alien war going on and you're gonna shoot me? 我们和外星人打仗,你却要杀我?
[04:21.88]I'm ordering you under S-Seven executive jurisdiction7. 我以第七区管辖权命令你...
[04:22.68]You know, we didn't ask to be here. 我们并不想来这里
[04:24.40]S-Seven don't exist. 第七区不存在
[04:26.48]Right. And we don't take orders from people that don't exist. 我才不听不存在的人的命令
[04:27.96]- I'm gonna count to five. Okay. - Well, I'm gonna count to three. 我要数到五 那我要数到三
[04:33.44]- Simmons? - Yes, sir? 辛蒙斯? 是,长官
[04:34.40]I'd do what he says. Losing's really not an option for these guys. 乖乖听他的话,他们不会接受失败

[04:44.68]All right. Okay. 好吧


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