
时间:2017-08-10 12:17:08


[00:06.18]Jack1? 杰克…
[00:14.86]Jack. 杰克…
[00:20.70](Faltering): There's a boat, Jack. 船来了,杰克
[00:24.50]Jack? 杰克…
[00:36.38](Crying Softly)
[01:04.58](Weakly): Come back. Come back. 回来
[01:05.90](Voices Of Searchers) 回来
[01:09.62]Come back. Come back. 回来
[01:14.02]Come back. 回来
[01:16.26](Louder): Come back, come back. 回来,回来
[01:18.62]Hello! 喂!
[01:22.02]Can anyone hear me? 有人听得见吗?
[01:26.90]There's nothing here, sir. 没人,长官
[01:30.66]Come back. 回来
[01:32.54]Come back. 回来
[01:39.70]I'll never let go. 我永不放弃
[01:44.38]I promise. 我答应
[02:18.54](Blowing Whistle Faintly)
[02:20.22](Blowing Stronger)
[02:21.06](Faint Whistling)
[02:24.54]- (Louder Whistling) - Come about!
[02:28.82](Blowing Whistle Loudly)
[02:39.38](Whistling Reverberates2 Faintly)
[02:48.98]1,500 people went into the sea 泰坦尼克号沉没时…有一千五百人落海


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