
时间:2017-07-12 12:01:31


[02:35.38]Dad, in case I miss. . . 爸,万一我没扔进去…
[02:36.54]. . .I'm sorry I said I wished you weren't my father. …对不起,我之前说希望你不是我亲爸
[02:39.06]I don't bIame you, son. I wasn't much of a father. 我不怪你,孩子 我也一直不是个好爸爸
[02:43.58]Maybe it starts with the way my dad raised me. 可能是我老爸抚养我的方式
[02:46.06]Yes. It's cIear to me. It's just been one Iong, unbroken cycIe of-- 是的,我明白,这不过是个 持续的长久的怪圈…
[02:49.42]Somebody throw the goddamn bomb! 快点把该死的炸弹扔了!
[03:14.02]What? What's going on? 怎么了?发生什么事了?
[03:42.14]We did it, boy! 成功了,儿子!
[03:42.82]Dad? 爸?
[04:33.66]It's amazing no one was hurt. 没有人员伤亡,太好了
[04:39.02]Bye, everybody. 永别了,朋友们
[04:44.86]Now, that was a great father-son activity. 这才是伟大的父子英雄事迹
[04:46.90]HeIIo, Homer. 你好啊,荷马
[04:50.42]So we meet at Iast, whoever2 you are. 我们终于见面了,虽然还不知道你到底是谁
[04:54.10]There's two things they don't teach you at Harvard Business SchooI. 有两样东西 在哈佛工商学院是永远学不到的
[04:58.10]How to cope3 with defeat, and how to handIe a shotgun. 那就是如何面对失败,以及怎么使枪
[05:00.78]I'm going to do both right now. 现在我就要尝试这两样

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