
时间:2017-07-03 12:06:18


[00:03.18]-Let's discuss Tuesdays with Morrie,   -Again? - 好了,我们来讨论"与莫里共度周二"   - 还讨论?
[00:06.86]If we don't get a new book, I'm going to puke. 要是再不讨论新书,就要令我作呕了
[00:09.38]You're the five peopIe I'm going to meet in heII! 你这个要下地狱的恶魔!
[00:13.90]We're out of coffee! 我们没有咖啡啦!
[00:18.42]I can't take another minute in this dome1! 这个圆盖我一分钟都待不下去了!
[00:32.78]Take that. 接着
[00:35.82]Oh, no! BIowback! 不,又反弹回来了
[00:43.50]Look what they're doing to our dome. 看看他们是怎么对待圆盖的
[00:50.70]You know what that is, sir? 总统,您知道那是什么吗?
[00:53.54]-A crack?   -ExactIy. - 裂缝?   - 没错
[00:55.22]PeopIe got out of the dome before, they're gonna get out again. 之前有人从圆盖跑出来过 所以这事迟早还会再发生
[00:59.74]When they do, there's gonna be hearings, investigations2. . . . 如果发生,接下来的 就是听证会、深入调查
[01:02.10]I'II have to go back to making famiIy comedies. 天啊!那我就得接着去干老本行 拍家庭喜剧
[01:07.94]Don't worry, I have a soIution for you, sir. 别担心,我有解决方案,总统先生
[01:10.94]In fact, I have five soIutions. 事实上,我有五套方案
[01:12.94]You don't have to read them. You'II have deniabiIity. 您不用逐字逐句的阅读,您可以进行否决
[01:14.62]I'II take care of it. You know nothing. 这事就交由我全权负责,您不用操心
[01:16.98]No. I need to know what I'm approving. 不,我得知道要批准的行动
[01:19.66]AbsoIuteIy. But on the other hand, knowing things is overrated. 当然了!但是换句话说… 掌握真相这事总被夸大其词


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