
时间:2017-05-27 12:43:04


[02:28.26]like a bone or a fingernail2. 像是骨头或指甲
[02:30.02]David? 大卫
[02:32.02]Yes, Teddy? 是,泰迪
[02:40.38]Henry shook me 亨利抓住我
[02:42.46]And you dropped her hair? 你把头发掉在地上
[02:47.82]I know 我记得
[03:15.14]Now you can bring her back 你可以把她带回来了
[03:19.94]can't you? 对吧?
[03:27.22]Give him what he wants 把他要的给他
[03:34.46]Dearest David, your wish is my command 亲爱的大卫,我让你如愿以偿
[04:02.98]Hey, Joe, what do ya know? 乔,真没想到
[04:22.46](Knocking Continues)
[04:49.22]David, I often felt a sort of envy3 of human beings… 我很羡慕人类能够拥有灵魂
[04:52.90]of that thing they called “spirit.”
[04:56.34]Human beings had created a million explanations of the meaning of life… 他们对人生意义有百万种解释
[04:58.86]in art, in poetry, in mathematical formulas 透过艺术、诗歌、数学公式
[00:04.14]Certainly, human beings must be the key to the meaning of existence 人类一定是生存意义的关键
[00:07.02]But human beings no longer existed 但是人类不再存在
[00:10.46]So we began a project… 所以我们进行一项计划
[00:13.58]that would make it possible to recreate the living body of a person long dead… 利用骨骼或皮肤残留的基因
[00:17.86]from the D.N.A. In a fragment of bone or mummified skin 复制一个人活生生的身体
[00:23.90]We also wondered, would it be possible… 我们也想知道能不能…
[00:26.10]to retrieve1 a memory trace in resonance2 with a recreated body? 从复制人身上找回他的记忆?


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