
时间:2017-01-11 12:40:46


  [02:59.52]- You may sit down. - Thank you very much. 你可以坐下来  谢谢
  [03:08.56]What's your name? 你叫什么名字?
  [03:15.04]- You may call me Anya. - Well thank you, Anya. 叫我安雅吧  好的,安雅
  [03:21.80]- Coffee? - What time is it? 喝咖啡吗?  现在几点钟?
  [03:24.76]About one-thirty. 快一点半了
  [03:25.56]One-thirty! I must get dressed and go! 一点半!我要马上更衣,离开!
  [03:30.52]Why the hurry? There's lots of time. 赶什么?时间还多着呢
  [03:33.64]No there isn't, and I've been enough trouble as it is. 不,我已给了你不少麻烦
  [03:36.72]Trouble? You're not what I'd call trouble. 麻烦?你绝对没给我麻烦
  [03:42.64]- I'm not? - I'll run a bath for you. 真的?  我替你准备洗澡水
  [04:04.56]There you are. 行了
  [04:47.84]Here we go now. 准备拍照
  [04:52.36]There you are, that does it. All right. 行了,拍好了
  [04:57.32]Give me a little slack2, will you? 放我一马好吗?
  [00:01.52]Irving! Why don't you answer? 艾荣!为何迟迟不接电话?
  [00:03.68]It's Joe. Can you get here in five minutes? 是阿祖,可否马上赶来?
  [00:05.44]No, I can't come now, Joe, I'm busy. 不行,现在我正忙着
  [00:10.16]Oh, no. 别闹了
  [00:13.92]Joe, I'm up to my ears in work. 阿祖,现在我忙得要命
  [00:17.68]Get into your next outfit1. What kind of a scoop2, Joe? 你快换衫…究竟怎么回事?阿祖
  [00:20.48]I can't talk over the phone. 不方便在电话说
  [00:22.16]This whole thing might easily blow sky-high. 这件事非同小可
  [00:26.56]It's front-page stuff, that's all I can say. 总之就是头条大新闻
  [00:28.40]It might be political or a scandal, I don't know, 可能具政治性,可能是丑闻
  [00:32.20]but it's a big story. I need pictures. 总之是猛料,我要图片
  [00:34.28]But I can't come now, Joe, I'm busy. 但现在我很忙,不能赶来
  [00:37.48]And I'm meeting Francesca at Rocca's in half an hour. 况且半小时后我要去见兰丝
  [01:41.72]- Don't understand. - Don't understand? 我听不懂  听不懂?
  [02:03.24]There you are. 原来你在这里
  [02:07.24]I was looking at all the people. It must be fun to live in a place like this. 我在看街景,住在这里真有意思


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