
时间:2016-09-18 12:40:20


  [00:47.02]l`m going to try showing you what sticking it out looks like. 我要让你们知道如果你直面它会是什么样子的。
  [00:50.14]Really get to know people. 你将会真正了解别人。
  [00:53.78]And let people get to know us. 并且让别人真正了解你们。
  [00:53.98]l don`t promise to be any good at it, but l will try. 我不能保证对此一定有什么好处,但是我会尝试。
  [01:00.78]Because l want you and Zoe to be better at this than l am. 因为我希望你和周在这方面比我强。
  [01:04.62]l want you to learn how to let people in. 我希望你们学习如何接纳别人。
  [01:19.82](sighing) (叹气)
  [01:20.54]He`s a sweet boy. l think it would be worth it. 他是一个好男孩。我认为你值得给他一个机会。
  [01:26.30]Turn it over. Everything always has two sides. 翻过来。 每样东西都有它的两个面。
  [01:44.78](door closing) (门关上了)
  [01:57.34](chuckles) (咯咯笑)
  [02:09.54]You want a bigger ring? 你想要一个更大的戒指?
  [02:12.50]Combustible3. Combustible(易燃的)。
  [02:13.62]C-O-M-B... C-O-M-B...
  [02:17.02]U-S-T... U-S-T...
  [02:19.50]l-B-L-E. l-B-L-E。
  [02:24.66]That is correct. 正确。
  [02:25.06]Combustible. Combustible。
  [02:29.14](people cheering) (人们欢呼)
  [02:33.02](giggles) (咯咯笑)
  [02:35.18]J! J!
  [02:36.46]E! E!
  [02:37.70]T! T!
  [02:38.98]S! S!
  [02:40.94](all) Jets! Jets! Jets! (所有人) Jets(球队名字)! Jets! Jets!
  [02:42.14](whooping) (呐喊)
  [02:45.54]Looks like we`re going to the World Series. 看起来就好象我们要参加世界巡回赛。


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