
时间:2016-09-07 12:26:38


  [01:23.04]...the Orleans Parish Department of Child Welfare1 Services 新奥尔良儿福局的何大卫
  [01:28.60]He was living in a condemned2 building 他睡在一栋废弃屋
  [01:30.80]The police found this with him 警方在他身上找到这个
  [01:35.20]This address. It’s got your name in it a lot 除了这个地址还有你的名字
  [01:38.84]He’s in very poor health. He was taken to the hospital 他病得不轻,被送进医院
  [01:42.52]He doesn’t seem to know who or where he is. He’s very confused3 他不知道自己是谁或是在哪里 他意识不清
  [01:44.92]I was telling Mr. Hernandez that Benjamin is one of us 我跟他说班哲明是我们的家人
  [01:48.16]If he needs a place to stay, it’s all right, he can stay here 我也说他可以住在这里
  [02:22.36]Benjamin? 班哲明?
  [02:27.76]You play beautifully 你弹得很好听
  [02:31.12]He doesn’t like to be touched. He goes in and out of states of recognition4 他不喜欢被别人碰 神智有时候不太清楚
  [02:36.80]Doctors say if they didn’t know any better, he has the beginnings of dementia 医生说他得了初期的失智症
  [02:42.96]Do you remember me? 你记得我吗?
  [02:48.52]I’m Daisy 我是黛丝
  [02:51.20]I’m Benjamin 我是班哲明
  [02:59.56]It’s nice to meet you, Benjamin 很高兴认识你,班哲明


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