
时间:2016-07-04 12:29:33


  [04:50.14]And I guarantee that at some point... one or both of us will want to get out. 我肯定我俩其中一个想分手
  [04:58.42]But I also guarantee... that if I don’t ask you to be mine, 但我肯定如果不向你求婚
  [00:05.78]I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. 我会遗憾终生!
  [00:09.66]’Cause I know in my heart... 因为我很清楚在我心坎里
  [00:10.62]you’re the only one for me. 只有你的存在
  [00:22.06]That’s a pretty good speech, Maggie. 你的讲词很好
  [00:23.46]I borrowed it from this writer I know. 我向一个我认识的作家借来用的
  [00:28.94]So? 怎么样?
  [00:59.62]Dance with me. 陪我跳只舞
  [01:24.30](Pastor) We are gathered here today to celebrate the union... 我们今天聚在一起…
  [01:27.30]of Maggie Carpenter1 and Ike Graham. 庆祝卡美姬与甘艾基的复合
  [01:43.46]- Do you have the rings? - Yes. 你有带结婚戒指吗?
  [01:45.26]Do you, Ike, take Maggie to be your lawfully2 wedded3 wife? 你愿娶美姬做你的合法妻子吗?
  [01:54.54]I do. 我愿意
  [01:56.30]Do you, Maggie, take Ike to be your lawfully wedded husband? 你愿接受艾基做你的合法丈夫吗
  [01:58.90]I do. 我愿意
  [02:01.94](Pastor) In this life that you share together, 愿你们日后长相厮守的日子里
  [02:04.46]may your individuality strengthen4 your love. 凭着坚毅的个性增强彼此的爱意
  [02:11.70]I now pronounce you husband and wife. 宣布你们成为合法夫妻
  [02:15.54]You may kiss the bride. 你可以吻新娘了
  [02:48.26]Guess what. She did it! 你猜到吗?她这次真的嫁了!
  [02:51.26]Maggie Carpenter got married. 卡美姬正式结婚了


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