
时间:2016-04-22 12:23:25


  [04:28.30]You see... 你知道
  [04:31.34]death comes to us all. 我们都会死的
  [04:42.30]But before it comes to you, 但在你死之前
  [04:45.38]know this... 要清楚
  [04:49.42]Your blood dies with you. 你的血肉与你一同死去
  [04:53.42]A child who is not of your line grows in my belly7. 一个非你骨肉的孩子在我肚内
  [05:00.46]Your son will not sit long on the throne, I swear it. 你儿子不会长占王位  我发誓
  [00:41.34]I’m so afraid. 我好怕
  [00:51.38]Give me the strength...to die well. 请赐我力量 好好的死
  [01:19.22]Here he comes! 他来了!
  [02:48.46]Now behold1 the awful price of treason! 看叛国的代价!
  [03:00.38]You will fall to your knees now. 跪下
  [03:03.70]Declare yourself the king’s loyal subject 向国王效忠
  [03:06.38]and beg his mercy. 求他宽恕
  [03:17.42]And you shall have it. 他会饶你的
  [03:29.46]Rope! 绳子
  [03:54.06]Stretch him! 拉起他!
  [04:38.90]Pleasant... yes? 愉快吧?
  [04:43.66]kiss the royal emblem2 on my cloak, 亲吻我衣袍上的皇徽
  [04:47.54]and you will feel no more. 你将不会再有感觉


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