
时间:2016-04-22 12:22:37


  [00:11.90]I will see the prisoner. 我要见犯人
  [00:14.62]We’ve got orders from the king... 国王有令
  [00:16.66]The king will be dead in a month. 国王快死了
  [00:18.66]Who do you think will rule this kingdom? 你想将由谁统治这王国?
  [00:20.66]Now open this door. 快开门
  [00:23.66]Majesty. 陛下
  [00:30.98]Come on, filth1. Up on your feet. 站起来  脏人
  [00:33.50]Stop it! 住手
  [00:36.38]Leave me. 退下
  [00:37.38]I said, leave me! 我说  退下!
  [00:52.78]Milady. 王妃殿下
  [00:54.94]Sire, I come to beg you... 大人  我来求你
  [01:00.82]to confess all and swear allegiance to the king 承认这一切  向国王宣誓效忠吧
  [01:03.82]that he might show you mercy. 他会饶你的
  [01:06.10]Will he show mercy to my country? 他会饶过苏格兰吗?
  [01:08.18]Mercy is to die quickly, 饶你就是让你快点死
  [01:11.86]perhaps even live in a tower. 也许将你关在塔上
  [01:14.62]In time, who knows what can happen... 假以时日  也许会有转机
  [01:17.62]if you can only live? 只要你能活着
  [01:24.66]If I swear to him, 若我向他宣誓


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