
时间:2016-03-06 17:20:34


  [02:25.86]Stay with me. 跟我一块住
  [02:30.06]You’re my kind of person. 你是我喜欢的那种人
  [02:38.26]It’s quite tempting6. 条件相当诱人
  [02:53.06]Hello? 喂?
  [02:53.26]Hi. 嗨
  [02:57.90]It’s going okay. 会顺利的
  [03:02.46]We’re still talking. 我们还在谈
  [03:07.46]We’re on the right track.It’s all going okay. 我们步入正轨了 会顺利的
  [03:11.26]That would be a mistake.It’s all going fine. 那会是种错误 一切会很好的
  [03:11.46]Don’t come down. 别过来
  [03:16.26]I love you too. 我也爱你
  [03:20.86]I am. 我也是
  [03:24.06]I’m kissing you. 亲你
  [03:27.46]Oh, yes. 噢 是的
  [03:29.70]I can taste your mouth. 我可以品尝你的嘴巴
  [03:36.06]What the hell did she want? 该死的她到底想怎样?
  [03:40.06]She wants that divorce. 她想要离婚
  [03:44.46]What about my proposition? 我的提议怎么样?
  [03:50.46]Well, I like the idea of Jamaica. 我喜欢牙买加那主意
  [03:52.66]-What about Barbados?-Well, and Barbados, and Antigua. -去巴贝多怎么样? -巴贝多 还有安地瓜
  [03:55.06]Yeah, it’s true.There’s so many places I haven’t seen. 耶 没错 还有好多地方我没去过
  [03:56.86]Hollywood.Saint Petersburg. 好莱坞 圣彼得堡
  [04:00.26]The Cote d’Azur, Coney Island. 蔚蓝海岸 科尼岛
  [04:05.06]And I hear there’s that wonderful hotel in Scotland called Balmoral. 我还听说苏格兰有间叫作巴莫勒的酒店很不错
  [04:08.66]-That’s where the queen lives.-So bed and breakfast is out. -那是女王住的地方 -那样床和早餐都泡汤了


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