
时间:2016-02-21 17:35:08


  [00:01.96]- She’s a handsome boat. - Yeah. 这船真漂亮
  [00:04.24]Reminds one of the longboats they would run... 那些人当年就是划着船载大艇 从班里湾的美丽港口出海的
  [00:05.52]...out of the sweet harbor at Bantry Bay.
  [00:07.48]Actually, I designed this one based on a Portuguese1 boat. 实际上我是以葡萄牙船为原型设计的
  [00:13.48]But historically, you’re correct, yeah. 但就历史而言你没说错
  [00:15.36]- You built this boat yourself? - Yes, sir. -是你亲手做的? -是啊,先生
  [00:18.84]- You build boats? - No, no. -你造过船? -没有
  [00:20.44]Truth be told, I don’t know the first thing about them. 老实说,我对这行一窍不通
  [00:22.80]- But I do appreciate a work of art. - Well, thank you, sir. -但我懂得欣赏艺术作品 -谢谢,先生
  [00:26.60]I’m about to sell this work of art to a guy who’s gonna cut it in half... 我正要把这艺术品 卖给一个想把它劈成两半...
  [00:28.00]...and stick it on his wall. - Oh, no. -安在墙上的家伙 -不会吧
  [00:30.04]Yeah. I’m about to take her out for a last paddle before I meet the butcher at noon. 我打算在和刽子手见面之前 最后让它下次水
  [00:34.72]Why would you do a thing like that? 干嘛要这样做?
  [00:36.20]It’s a long story. Something about the violation2 of expectations... 说来话长,有些事事与愿违...
  [00:41.48]...and a crushing loss of faith in love and life and art. 让人对爱对生活对艺术的信念破灭了
  [00:44.40]- So it’s a girl. - Yes. -看来和女人有关 -是啊
  [00:47.64]I’ve had a little girl trouble myself lately. 我有个女儿最近也在自寻烦恼
  [00:50.52]But better to have loved and lost. Am I right? 但总比得而复失要好,是吧?
  [00:54.12]She was a unique constellation3 of attributes. 她是一颗卓尔不凡的星
  [00:56.32]She was my Halley’s comet. 是我的哈雷彗星
  [01:00.88]But... Universe is designed to break your heart, yes? 但... 造物主的安排就是要让人心碎不是吗?


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