• 1.《吸血鬼日记》重点词汇(17)
  • I thought u didnt believe in rules不是循规蹈矩的人 Forsake ur nature抛弃本性 Sublimate the cravings 减缓 Too tempting情不自禁 Indulg...
  • 2.美剧《尼基塔》(1)
  • 1.Were right back where we started. 兜了个圈子,话又说到这儿了。 2.Shes running out of options. 她这回没辙了。 option 英 [ɒpʃn...
  • 3.美剧《尼基塔》(2)
  • 4.put in an appearance: If you put in an appearance at an event, you go to it for a short time although you may not really want to, but do not stay. ...
  • 4.美剧《尼基塔》(3)
  • 7.I hope you dont mind me dropping in unannounced. 希望你不介意我不请自来。 announce 英 [ənaʊns] 美 [əˈnaʊns] vi.宣布参加竞选...
  • 5.美剧《尼基塔》(4)
  • 10.make good on sth(eg. threaten/promise): If someone makes good a threat or promise or makes good on it, they do what they have threatened or promise...
  • 6.美剧《尼基塔》(5)
  • 13.overkill: You can say that something is overkill when you think that there is more of it than is necessary or appropriate. (做某事)过头了 app...
  • 7.美剧《尼基塔》(6)
  • 16.pun: A pun is a clever and amusing use of a word or phrase with two meanings, or of words with the same sound but different meanings. 双关语 pun...
  • 8.美剧《尼基塔》(7)
  • 19. sanctimonious: If you say that someone is sanctimonious, you disapprove of them because you think that they are trying to appear morally better ...
  • 9.美剧《尼基塔》(8)
  • 22.What you did was reckless. You put me in a bad position. You do something like that again, and Ill be forced to turn you in. 你这么做太鲁莽...
  • 10.美剧《尼基塔》(9)
  • 25.whipping boy:If someone or something is a whipping boy for a particular situation, they get all the blame for it. 拉来垫背的,替罪羔羊 ...
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