Yan began screenwriting for Hollywood in English.
2046 does have one vigorous bedroom encounter, with the nude Leung and Zhang Ziyi attractively entangled.
《一笔out消》播影时段的三十秒广告费高达九十八万八千元charging advertisers as much as $988,000 for a 30-second slot for The Weakest Link
《花生漫画》作者舒尔茨Charles Schulz
American Beauty took home five Oscars on Sunday, including best actor for Kevin Spacey.
Infernal Affairs had been the hot favourite going into the awards with 16 nominations, while Hero was nominated in 14 categories.
一个人人都会有共鸣的温馨故事a heart-warming story that everyone can relate to
一笔out消The Weakest Link
一队护卫护送她离开机场,乘上房车离去was led out of the airport by a team of bodyguards and whisked away in a limousine
started his music career in Taiwan in 1995
Tse, 22, is the top pop star of his generation, and an actor whose promise every top director has hailed.
二十世纪霍士电影the 20th Century Fox movie studio
二重唱perform a duet
入行二十二年共拍了超过百二部电影has logged more than 120 films in 22 years in the business
八度空间Eight Dimensions
十七岁加入娱乐圈got into showbiz at the age of 17
My next album will feature some Cantonese songs.
上演该节目和百万富翁对撼scheduled the show at the same time as Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
大长今Jewel in the Palace/Dae Jang Geum
大结局the final episode
大制作big-budget productions
女子十二乐坊12 Girls Band
小室哲哉Tetsuya Komuro
已有好几个专属网站already has a number of websites devoted to him
已看完所有最新的韩剧had seen all the latest South Korean soaps
已经派上电台,并得到好评is already getting airplay and good reviews
不再去戏院stay away from the cinema
不再谈论自己的私生活stopped speaking about his personal life
不同类型的音乐different genres of music
中文字幕Chinese subtitles
互动电视interactive television (ITV)
互调四个节目的播映时间re-shuffling four programmes
五音不全的偶像派男歌手pretty boys who could barely carry a tune
内地电影公司mainland film companies
公式化的电影formulaic movies
友情客串演出made cameo appearances
心中已有男主角人选knew exactly whom he wanted to play the male lead
日本有史以来首映票房最高的电影Japan's top-grossing movie release ever
日落大道Sunset Boulevard
片酬一部一千万美元的演员$10-million-per-movie actor
王力宏Wang Lee-hom
王家卫Wong Kar-wai
主音歌手the lead singer
以挽救黄金时段收视率in an attempt to salvage prime-time ratings
He skyrocketed as a new Prince of Canton-pop.
He is also trying to move into show business.
他的前度绯闻女友his rumoured former girlfriend
他音乐录像带的预展a preview of his music video
He takes his inspiration from reality.
He left school to pay homage to the music muse.
出席颁奖典礼attend awards ceremony
出过四张国语唱片released four Mandarin albuns
四岁开始学钢琴/学琴started taking piano lessons at age 4
外景车location trailers
巨星云集的武侠电影star-studded martial-arts flick
打破日本的票房纪录broke box-office records in Japan
打破票房惯例broke the box-office mold
打斗场面fight scenes
本地制作的电影locally made films
本年/该年万众期待的电影he year's most anticipated movie
Would you prefer to concentrate on your acting or singing in the future?
正在亚洲进行三天旋风式访问,宣传她的新碟is on a three-day whirlwind tour of Asia to promote her new album
白韵琴Pemela Pak Wan-kam
立足主流边缘的重要音乐家an important musician on the fringe of the mainstream
立体电视stereoscopic television
交织着笑与泪weaves laughter and tears
刑事侦辑档案File of Justice
It drew an astonishing 28.3% of Japan's viewing audience.