时间:2019-01-11 16:32:36
试射一枚可携带核子弹头的飞弹test-launched a nuclear-capable missile
The lab is investigating whether any of its classified data were leaked.
与苏联达成核武协议had nuclear agreements with the Soviet Union
拥有足够制造一至两枚核武的钸possessed enough plutonium for one or two nuclear weapons
拥有核武have nuclear weapons
怀疑核设施suspected nuclear complex
化武袭击a chemical-weapons attack
生化武器chemical or biological weapons
在地铁里使用沙林毒气袭击the sarin gas used in the subway attack
收到内含可疑粉末的邮件receiving a suspicious letter containing powdery substance
有生化武器库存have chemical and biological weapons stockpiles
死于气体中毒died of gas poisoning
毒气chemical gas
炭疽菌胞子anthrax spores
A possible third case of anthrax infection has been found in the United States following the death of one sufferer in Florida and the discovery of the deadly germ in the nose of a co-worker.
神经毒气nerve gas
麻醉气体narcotic gas
发展化学武器developing chemical weapons
越来越多人恐惧生物战fears of bio-terrorism surged
感染炭疽菌has tested positive for anthrax
藏有可疑粉末containing a suspicious powder
中情局局长特立CIA director George Tenet
反情报单位counterintelligence unit
反间谍案counterespionage cases
Tokyo yesterday announced planes to develop its first spy satellite in response to the North Korean missile threat.
北韩特务North Korean agents
向外国媒体泄露国家机密leaking state secrets to foreign media
收集有关中国官员的情报spy on Chinese officials
Neither man disclosed anything sensitive.
协助搜集情报cooperate on intelligence matters
The U.S. had planted listening devices on a Boeing 767 used by the president of China.
军事通讯卫星military communication satellite
侦察机surveillance planes
国家机密state secrets
强化情报搜集能力strengthen our intelligence capabilities
情报人员intelligence officer
情报搜集中心intelligence-gathering centre
情报机关/谍报机构spy agency
陈文英Katrina Leung
提供情报provide intelligence
间谍活动espionage activities/spying activities
间谍卫星spy satellite
搜捕北韩间谍ferret out North Korean spies
搜捕间谍的人spy catcher
The agency is our last bulwark against North Korean aggression.
战前伊拉克情报prewar Iraqi intelligence
机密文件classified documents
联邦调查局干员FBI agent
双面间谍double agent
日本军国主义复辟a revival of Japanese militarism
日本战争罪犯Japanese war criminals
日军在二次大战期间所做的生化战实验biological and chemical warfare experiments by the Japanese army during World War
以私人身份参拜靖国神社made private pilgrimages to Yasukuni
甲级战犯class A war criminals
He has since made an annual pilgrimage to the shrine.
受过神风特训had trained as a kamikaze pilot
拒绝让受害者索偿rejected victims' claims for compensation
抵制日货boycott Japanese goods
保护裕仁天皇战后免受起诉protect Emperor Hirohito from prosecution as a war criminal
南京大屠杀Nanking massacre
歪曲/扭曲历史distort history
为战时苦难向日本政府索偿seek compensation from Tokyo for wartime suffering
美化日本在亚洲的战时侵略行为present Japan's wartime aggression in Asia in a favourable light
美化日本战争暴行downplaying Japan's wartime atrocities
军国主义的骄傲jingoistic pride
修正历史书correct history textbooks
神风敢死队/神风特攻队飞行员kamikaze pilots
粉饰战争暴行gloss over wartime atrocities/whitewash its wartime atrocities
参拜靖国神社worshipping at the Yasukuni Shrine
掩饰日本战争暴行gloss over Japanese wartime atrocities
掩饰日军二次大战暴行whitewash atrocities the Japanese army committed during the second world war
裕仁天皇Emperor Hirohito
靖国神社Yasukuni shrine
罢买日货boycotts of Japanese products
战争暴行wartime atrocities
战时首相东条英机wartime Prime Minister Hideki Tojo
战败国所作的赔偿reparations (pl)
谴责日本战争暴行denounce Japanese wartime atrocities
(联合国)石油换粮计划oil-for-food programme
人道物资humanitarian goods
Refugees swarmed the border.
已配备更精良的武器have acquired more sophisticated weapons
巴勒斯坦难民Palestinian refugees
支持不限制难民入境advocated unrestricted access to immigrants
半裸的孩童half-naked children
用枪指着叫嚷的难民,强迫他们登上卡车marching screaming refugees at gunpoint and herding them on to trucks
有难民身分claim refugee status
承诺撤军promising to withdraw its troops
拒绝让四百六十名难民入境refused entry to 460 refugees
阻止北韩人涌入stem the influx of North Koreans
是次军事行动this military operation
乘船偷渡逃难stowed away on a boat