时间:2013-06-30 22:10:38
Coalition forces have begun striking selected targets of military importance to undermine Saddam Hussein's ability to wage war.
The coalition forces also braced for more retaliatory strikes.
避免伤害平民avoid innocent casualties
避过战祸avert a war
隐形战机stealth fighter
断断续续的战争sporadic fighting
转移人们对即将来临的弹劾投票的视线to divert attention from their impending impeachment vote against him over the Monica Lewinsky scandal
严阵以待stands in combat readiness
苏30战机Sukhoi-30 jets
谴责英美对伊拉克动武denounced the US and British attacks on Iraq
台海两岸的军事平衡the military balance in the Taiwan Strait
Taiwan has renewed its request to buy 30 advanced combat helicopters from the United States to boost its defences against the mainland.
正在囤积大规模毁灭性武器was amassing a WMD stockpile
Taipei is considering buying the most advanced French Rafale jets to upgrade its defences amid fears it will lose air superiority to Beijing in another six years.
同意出售强力武器予台湾approved a robust arms package for Taiwan
If the US were to sell advanced weapons to Taiwan such as the Aegis, that could be very detrimental to China-US relations.
没有承诺会再向台湾售卖武器made no clear commitment in approving new arms sales to the island
售卖武器予台湾自卫providing Taiwan arms for self-defence
It was Chen's usual trick to get more support for the huge arms purchase programme.
无意展开军事竞赛had no intention of starting an arms race
The destroyers, priced at US$1 billion each, have a radar and computer array capable of simultaneously tracking more than 100 targets on land, air and sea.
对台售武计划arms-sales plan for Taiwan
维持两岸军事力量平衡help maintain the military balance of power in the Taiwan Strait
暂时停止向台售卖四艘精密的驱逐舰scotched the immediate sale to Taiwan of four sophisticated destroyers
帮助台湾自卫help Taiwan defend itself
扩充军备expanding military build-up
中子弹neutron bomb
互相以核武瞄准对方aim their nuclear weapons at each other
北韩的核武挑衅North Korean nuclear belligerence
North Korea indeed possesses nuclear weapons.
北韩核武计划North Korea's nuclear weapons programme
正准备地下核试in the process of preparing for underground nuclear tests
全面禁止核试条约Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
没有核武的国家nations without nuclear weapons
防止核武扩散curtail the spread of nukes/halt the spread of nuclear weapons
放射性物质radioactive material
放弃所有核武abandon all nuclear weapons
放弃所有核武和核子计划abandoning all nuclear weapons and existing nuclear programmes
威逼北韩停止发展核武pressuring Pyongyang into surrendering its nuclear bomb programs
原子武器atomic weapons
原爆受害者a victim of the A-bomb
核子武器研究机构a nuclear-weapons research facility
核子计划nuclear programs
核子原料nuclear material
核子弹头nuclear warheads
核子战争、核战nuclear war
核不扩散条约the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
核武的威胁the nuclear threat
核武计划nuclear program
核武原料的钸weapons-grade plutonium
States with nuclear weapons are reluctant to disarm.
核武势力/拥有核武的国家nuclear powers
核武器小型化技术the nuclear weapon miniaturisation technology
核武器的扩散nuclear proliferation
核弹/核子弹nuclear bombs
核爆nuclear explosions
秘密发展核武pursue a secret nuclear-weapons programme
停止核武扩散halt the spread of nuclear weapons
停止核试end its nuclear testing programme
国际原子能总署International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
There is no guarantee that such an attack would eliminate all of Iran's nuclear sites.
发展核武develop nuclear weapons
裁减核武reduce nuclear weapons
搜寻伊拉克境内的核子武器searching Iraq for nuclear weapons