
时间:2013-06-21 21:32:32


  国际社会the international community
  International pressure has forced the government to make a series of concessions.
  带来一丝希望offer a beacon of hope
  强烈抗议delivered a strongly worded protest
  强烈警告某人delivered a blunt warning to somebody
  从前经常互骂的对手old sparring partner
  接受这个挑战rise to the challenge
  措辞谨慎chose his words carefully
  推动公关活动develop a public-relations campaign
  took a "constructive stance"
  掀起一场国际风暴whipping up an international storm
  Syria denies helping Iraq or its fleeing officials.
  The main problem now is that the Japanese government has done a series of things that have hurt the feelings of the Chinese people over the Taiwan issue, some international issues including human rights and especially in its treatment of history.
  第六次部长级会议the sixth ministerial conference
  处理英国的外交事务handle Britain's foreign affairs
  处理历史遗留下来的问题settle questions left over from history
  被剥夺某物be deprived of something
  被视为鸽派人士considered a dove in this Administration
  It should all be done through the United Nations and not unilaterally by the United States.
  透过对话解决分歧resolving disputes by dialogue
  部分世上最贫穷的国家some of the world's most impoverished nations
  最不当的most unwarranted
  最后通牒ultimatum (n); to issue an ultimatum
  最后邀请last-ditch bid
  喀什米尔问题Kashmir issue
  单方面解除联合国对伊拉克的制裁unilaterally break UN sanctions against Iraq
  富裕国家rich nations
  寻找共同立场、寻求共识search for common ground
  The United States will pay US$4.5 million in compensation for the three people killed and 27 wounded when Nato bombs destroyed Beijing's embassy in Belgrade.
  提升香港的国际形象boost Hong Kong's international image
  提出强烈抗议launched a strong diplomatic protest
  提供援助provide aid to somebody
  援助贫穷的非洲国家aiding poor African countries
  散播反共讯息get the anti-Communist message out
  犹太国家Jewish state
  发表国情咨文delivers his State of the Union address
  发表联合声明issued a joint declaration
  Developing countries faced a "vicious cycle" of poverty and infectious diseases.
  发电报祝贺sent a congratulatory telegram
  给予海外援助opened the foreign-aid spigot
  Washington has openly called for regime change in Iran.
  虚伪的评论disguised critique
  Vietnam is gradually playing a bigger role on the world stage.
  损害了中国的国际地位damage China's international standing
  会引起国际关注would cause international concern
  会进一步煽动回教徒的反美情绪would further inflame Muslim opinion against the US
  会亲自接见连战will receive Lien Chan in person
  会触发全面的贸易战could lead to a full-scale trade war
  经济制裁economic sanctions
  补偿reparation (n)
  达成五点共识struck a five-point accord
  违反国际惯例contravenes international practices
  对以色列的坚定支持its stalwart support of Israel
  对抗美国独裁行为disagrees with the [US] diktat
  对于某事作出更肯定的承诺make a firmer commitment on something
  对某人深表关心和同情expressed a high degree of concern and sympathy for somebody
  对美国有大幅贸易顺差的国家a nation that is running a massive trade surplus with the U.S.
  对美国强烈偏袒以色列深感愤怒are inflamed by the strong US bias toward Israel
  对该决定感难过was saddened by the decision
  漠视美国的最后通牒,不会流亡rejected a US ultimatum for the Iraqi leader to go into exile
  称巴勒斯坦自治政府主席阿拉法为以色列的敌人declared the Palestinian leader an enemy of Isreal
  Meanwhile, the Israeli side has also shown restraint.
  与某人意见不合putting somebody at odds
  语气软化scaled back its rhetoric
  认真考虑will be taken seriously into consideration
  誓与伊拉克同仇敌忾pledged solidarity with the Iraqis
  领土纠纷territorial disputes
  领事职员a consulate official
  驳斥指责rebutted allegations
  影响政府的国际声望hurts the government's international prestige
  Germany also urged an immediate end to the war in Chechnya that has been a key factor in Mr Putin's meteoric rise.
  欧盟EU (European Union)
  欧盟对外事务专员彭定康Chris Patten, the European Union's External Affairs Commissioner
  请外国人来干预中国事务are inviting foreign interference in Chinese affairs
  黎巴嫩境内的边境地区a border area within Lebanese territory
  战争索偿促进会Association for the Promotion of Reparations
  擅长心理战are very good at conducting psychologial warfare
  历史性时刻a historic moment
  澳洲外长唐纳Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer
  应被视作发达国家should be treated as a developed country
  获得美国资助enjoys patronage of the US
  纵容沙特阿拉伯和巴基斯坦的独裁者coddle the dictators in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan
  联合国安理会常任理事国permanent members of the United Nations Security Council
  联合国秘书长安南Kofi A. Annan, Secretary-General, U.N.
  避免触怒北韩引发战争avoid provoking Pyongyang into unleashing war
  简单地提及某事briefly touched upon something
  粮食援助food aid
  继续锁国continue national seclusion
  谴责屠杀事件decrying the killings
  让亚洲的声音受到国际社会重视gave Asia a voice in the global arena
  灵活回避冲突,巧妙处理对立问题adroitly sidestepping conflict and finessing confrontation
  赞美某事物pay tribute to something
  赞扬某人give somebody credit for something
  中日关系专家a Sino-Japanese relations expert
  中美关系解冻the thaw in Sino-US ties
  Beijing severed ties with the Vatican in 1951.
  仍然和台湾有邦交still maintaining ties with Taipei/still maintain diplomatic relations with Taiwan
  Relations between Tokyo and Pyongyang soured further after the alleged intrusion of North Korean spy ships into Japanese waters last week.
  火上加油adding fuel to the flame
  以巴冲突Israeli-Palestinian conflict
  令地区紧张局势加剧inflamed regional tensions
  令美国和沙地阿拉伯之间的关系紧张provoke strains between the Americans and Saudis
  加强友好关系cement good relationships
  加深中日之间的友谊deepen Japan's friendship with China
  加剧美国和马来西亚两国之间的紧张关系impose a severe new strain on Malaysia- US ties
  召回大使recalled its ambassador
  召回驻某地的大使人员withdraw its ambassadors in somewhere
  Taiwan reiterated yesterday that no loan pledges were made to Pupua New Guinea in return for diplomatic recognition.
  diplomatically isolated
  全面加强合作step up co-operation across the board
  向某国实施贸易制裁impose trade sanctions against somebody
  With the increased contacts will come more understanding and less animosity.
  如果朝鲜半岛的紧张局势持续恶化if tension on the peninsula continues to worsen
  There were positive signs of a Sino-US rapprochment.
  伸出和解之手extended a conciliatory hand
  希望分化美国和她最亲密的盟友hoped to drive a wedge between the US and its closest ally
  改和中国大陆建交switched allegiance to Beijing
  改变现状change the status quo
  和中国的战略性伙伴关系a strategic partnership with China
  表示有信心纷争会逐步平息voiced confidence the disputes were heading towards resolution
  建交established diplomatic ties/establish diplomatic relations
  既往不咎let bygones be bygones
  某国与某国建立全面伙伴关系somebody and somebody announced a 'comprehensive partnership'
  重修旧好/重建邦交restore/normalize diplomatic relations
  重新修好getting back on track
  消除分歧patched up their differences
  坚定的朋友steadfast friend
  将过去的仇恨放在一边put aside the bitterness of the past
  设法和美国修好trying to mend fences with Washington
  就战略性的经济和金融问题进行经常性交流hold regular exchanges on 'strategic economic and financial issues'
  策略性伙伴strategic partners
  尝试修补和邻国的关系try to mend ties with neighbouring countries
  尝试修补破裂的关系trying to repair damaged relations
  对台湾最大在野党最新释出的善意its latest friendly overture to Taiwan's largest opposition party
  与中国关系正常化normalized relations with China
  与台湾建交会影响该地区稳定undermining regional stability by establishing dipomatic ties with Taiwan
  缓和朝鲜半岛的紧张局势ease tensions on Korean peninsula
  扩大军事对话boost military exchange
  断绝外交关系break off diplomatic relations


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