
时间:2013-06-21 21:31:16


  secure a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council
  成员国member states
  自由贸易协议free trade agreement
  西方七国首脑会议G7 Summit
  西方的富裕国家the rich nations of the west
  西方国家western countries
  西欧国家Western European countries
  占领巴勒斯坦大部分领土occupies most of the Palestinian territories
  低调响应offered a muted response
  It seems as if we have been friends for many years.
  We exchange views with China on different issues.
  把他们看成落后民族looks at them as backward
  改善国际形象improve its international image
  His concerns were unheeded.
  It is the principle of the lesser evil.
  亚太经合会议APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Corporation)
  受外界压力影响susceptible to outside pressure
  呼吁要克制call for restraint
  和所有邻国都有过领土纠纷has had territorial disputes with every one of its neighours
  姑息政策policy of appeasement
  官方活动official functions
  延期访问中国postponed his state visit to China
  拒绝揣测中国动机declining to speculate on China's motive
  放低「非友即敌」的态度drops his "with us or against us" posture
  ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)
  东欧国家eastern European states
  争取成为联合国安理会常任理事国bid for a UN Security Souncil seat
  争取阿拉伯国家支持向恐怖主义开战shore-up Arab support for the war on terrorism
  表示公务繁忙,取消行程call off the visit and blame a busy schedule
  表示他并不认为这代表华府政策有变saying he did not think they signalled a reversal of Washington's policy
  表示有意在今年稍后时间到访中国expressed a desire to visit the mainland later in the year
  表明支持美国传统的一个中国政策voicing support for America's traditional one-China policy
  阿拉伯共同市场Arab Common Market
  俄罗斯外长伊万诺夫Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov
  南韩外长洪淳瑛South Korea's Foreign Minister Hong Soon-young
  南韩国家情报局局长李钟赞Head of the National Intelligence Service Lee Jong-chan
  宣示中国主权assert Chinese sovereignty over them
  恢复以巴间的和平进程reviving the peace process between Israelis and Palestinians
  恢复提供援助resume the suspended aid
  In an effort to prevent the gap between industrial and developing societies from widening, Japan announcing a US$15 billion aid package to help Third World nations bridge the digital divide and a US$3 billion one to fight infectious diseases such as Aids
  为中国加入世贸组织铺路pave the way for Beijing to enter the World Trade Organisation
  为马来西亚赢得国际尊重enabled Malaysia to gain international respect
  科索沃和议Kosovo peace deal
  Countries including the US, Britain and Europe have also expressed their concerns.
  美国外交政策American foreign policy
  The US, it seems, would continue with the "with us, or against us" approach.
  All its preachings about democratic principles ring hollow.
  美国帝国主义者US imperialist
  The U.S. State Department would say only that it's watching developments "carefully".
  The US would push for China's accession to the World Trade Organisation in time for November's annual meeting of the trade body.
  美国对华政策US policy towards China/American foreign policy towards China
  美国头号敌人America's principal foe
  Mr Hu and the leaders took turns to shake hands with delegates.
  要求采取迅速行动demanded swift action
  军事互信机制a framework for mutual military trust
  重建伊拉克rebuild Iraq
  重燃欧洲人的反美情绪reinvigorated anti-American feeling throughout Europe
  刚正式访问完中国has finished an official visit to the mainland
  展示她的外交手腕displaying her diplomatic might
  捍卫国家的主权protect our country's sovereignty
  破坏国家形象damage the nation's image
  破坏国家的国际形象damaged his country's international image
  Malaysia's reluctance to act on the issue had already chilled relations with Australia.
  Mr Ma repeated an invitation to Mr Tung to visit Taipei.
  伪善的训斥sanctimonious sermonising
  停止提供粮食援助has suspended food aid
  停止对全球各地的伊斯兰国家进行侵略性干预desists from aggressive intervention against Muslims in the whole world
  假扮成日本渔船disguised as Japanese fishing boats
  国策national policy
  国际形象international image


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