加萨地带Gaza Strip
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
北美自由贸易区NAFTA (North America Free Trade Area)
召回驻美国大使recall its ambassador to Washington
召见中国大使王毅,提出正式抗议及要求道歉summoned Chinese ambassador Wang Yi to lodge a formal protest and seek an apology
Only friends who could discuss and resolve their differences openly are true friends.
外交手腕diplomatic skills
外交政策foreign policy
外交政策分析家foreign-policy analyst
It is likely to continue to exert power behind the scenes.
Mr Bush's comments would trigger a strong reaction from Beijing.
Bush has in the past named Iran as part of an "axis of evil" along with Iraq and North Korea.
President George W. Bush broke with the past by expressing clearly his opposition to moves by Taiwan towards independence.
As Churchill once famously said, "If I were told that the devil were on poorer terms with Hitler, I should find myself making an alliance with hell."
正当共产主义式微as communism ebbed
用高压手段对付某国/向某国施压lean heavily on somebody
伊斯兰国家Islamic nations
India charged Pakistan with backing the slaughter.
向以色列政府施压apply pressure on the Israeli government
向台湾国防部长发签证issue a visa to Taiwan Defence Minister
向贫穷国家发动金钱外交来换取支持to buy diplomatic support from impoverished nations
在人道立场上on humanitarian grounds
在危险中in jeopardy
在其亚洲之行进行最后一站访问时during the latest leg of his Asia
在阿拉伯世界/在阿拉伯国家in the Arab world
在跑道上和几位大陆官员握手shook hands with several mainland officials on the runway
在联合国阻挠美国的提案block the US at the UN
But years of international pressure have failed to help resolve the Kashmir issue.
如果短期内没有实质成果if concrete results are not seen in the near term
成为联合国安理会常任理事国become a permanent member of the United Nations Security Councl