叙利亚总统巴沙尔Syrian President Bashar al-Assad
深受爱戴的国王a beloved king
现已登上杂志封面is now magazine-cover
被卷入某事的争论中embroiled in a dispute over something
被誉为香港良心came to be known as the conscience of Hong Kong
Now the man of whom a year ago almost no one had heard is in a position to re-shape Russia and the world.
围观的人向某人挥手欢迎onlookers waving and greeting somebody
富影响力的人an influential person
提高曝光率raising her profile
斯里兰卡总统库马拉通加Sir Lankan President Chandrika Kumaratunga
登基assuming the crown
发表电视演说make a televised address
发表讲话delivering a speech
结束某人的窘境end somebody's predicament
菲律宾总统阿拉诺President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
新加坡第三任总理李显龙Singapore's thrid Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong
新加坡总理吴国栋Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong
Premier Wen wanted to keep the visit a secret.
葡萄牙总统桑帕约/沉拜奥President Jorge Sampaio
跳水皇后伏明霞diving queen Fu Mingxia
尝试摆脱窘境tried to weasel out of an embarrassment
对某事深表歉意profoundly sorry for something
The Premier's speech was being carried live on Armenian radio and the transmission was cut off after the shooting started.
Her comments earned a 50-second standing ovation.
精神领袖spiritual leader
弹劾议案the articles of impeachment
德国总理施洛德German Chancellor Gerhard Schroder
庆祝39岁生日celebrated his 39th birthday
庆祝邓小平百年寿辰mark the centenary of Deng's birth
数以千计人群围绕着某地thousands of people besieged somewhere
欧盟执委会主席巴罗佐European Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso
热衷于某事is passionate about something
请求某人签名ask for somebody's autograph
His net worth was estimated by Forbes magazine last year at US$5.6 million.
澳洲总理霍华德Prime Minister John Howard
获诺贝尔和平奖was awarded The Nobel Peace Prize
总统蒋介石Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek
避开公众的注意shied away from the limelight
简述他的健康状况briefly outlining the state of his health
双手合十putting his palms together
(中美间)三个联合公报three Joint Communiques
(美国)保护油源protect its access to oil
(塞内加尔)一吐被法国统治了逾两个世纪的乌气venting their anger over two centuries of French colonialism
(盟约)经得起时间考验stand the test of time
一名领事馆发言人a consulate spokesman
In the early 1970s the mainland and Taiwan made claims to the islands.
七国集团G7 (Group of Seven)
In 2002 China's trade surplus with the U.S. was $103 billion.
入侵阿拉伯邻国stages an incursion into its Arab neighborhood
八国领袖the Group of Eight leaders
大马外长阿卜杜拉Foreign Minister Abdullah Bodawi
已封锁两国的边境has also closed its main border crossing between the two nations
干预某国内政an interference in somebody's internal affairs
不平等条约the unequal treaty
不是弹指间可完成的事is not something that can be done in the click of a finger
不负责任的言论irresponsible remarks
不会动用联合国安理会否决权来阻止美国攻打伊拉克won't use its U.N. Security Council veto to block an Iraq invasion
The world should no longer stand by and watch.
中日关系的最重要议题the most important issue in Sino-Japanese relations
中东地区对美国的仇恨animosity toward the US in the Middle East
中美关系Sino-US relations
The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Friday reiterated it had warned its citizens not to travel to Iraq for safety reasons.
中国外交部长李肇星Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing
中国外交部发言人唐国强Foreign Ministry spokesman Tang Guoqiang
中国外交部驻港特派专员公署Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PRC in the HKSAR
中国外长唐家璇Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan