公民社会civil society
公投周referendum week
公投的大日子a very important day for the referendum vote
The public has the right to know the name and identity of the arrested.
公众知情权public right to information/the public's right to know
公开刑事案中疑犯和受害者的名字release the names of suspects and victims in criminal cases
反对独裁和支持民主oppose dictatorship and support democracy
支持立即引入普选supported immediate universal suffrage
支持政改方案supported the political reform proposals
Any proposed amendments should ensure that consideration would continue to be given to the interests of different sectors of society
Any proposed amendments must enable different sectors of society to be represented in the political structure and to participate in politics through various channels
The group demanded an immediate dialogue with Mr Tung and urged him to shelve the controversial national security legislation and speed up democratic development.
以残酷的手段实行极权统治wielding absolute power brutally
He denied new hurdles had been created.
他们的共同政纲是支持零七年普选特首,零八年普选立法会shared a common platform in support of universal suffrage to elect the chief executive in 2007 and the entire legislature in 2008
令香港民主倒退reversing the democratic trend in Hong Kong
出席美国听证会,表达香港实行全面民主的必要told a Senate hearing in Washington of the need for Hong Kong to implement full democracy
加快民主进程speed up the pace of democracy
打压言论自由clamp down on freedom of expression
未有为民主进程定下时间表did not provide a timetable for democratic development
民主倒退the rolling-back of democracy/a rollback in democracy
民主动力Power for Democracy
民主发展democracy development
The march to democracy was too slow for some and too quick for others.
民主运动the democratic campaign
The democratic activists have apparently now lost their orientation.
民主选举democratic elections
Both the Democratic Party and The Frontier stood firm in their demand for universal suffrage by 2007.
民间人权阵线发言人蔡耀昌Richard Choi Yiu-cheong, spokesman for the Civil Human Rights Front
民权组织civil rights group
伊拉克大选the Iraqi elections
同性恋人权斗士gay-rights activists
在一九八零年代末期地摆脱了极权统治,令人振奋had inspiringly shed authoritarian rule in the late 1980s
Eighty-four per cent want the whole legislature to be directly elected by 2008.
自由法治社会a free society under the rule of law
行使他们的公民权利exercising their civil rights
否决零七零八普选ruled out the introduction of universal suffrage in 2007 and 2008
否决双普选ruled out dual universal suffrage
完全的民主政体a full-fledged democracy
希望循序渐进发展民主wanted "gradual and orderly" progress towards full democracy
We hope to get 25 seats from five geographical constituencies.
We are still a long way from achieving the ultimate aim of universal suffrage which is enshrined in the Basic Law.
Critics accused Mr Tung of erecting more hurdles to constitutional development, making universal suffrage in 2007-08 almost impossible.
投票支持民主派等同投票支持普选vote for the pro-democracy camp is tantamount to voting for universial suffrage
Li Ka-shing yesterday warned against holding direct elections in 2007, saying Hong Kong "cannot afford instability".
Mr Lee is one of three Hong Kong radio hosts to go off the air in recent weeks after claiming that they were under threat.
Allen Lee Peng-fei recently became the third Hong Kong radio personality to go off the air.
There is no sign of a major change in Beijing's stance over universal suffrage.
言论自由被压制freedom of speech was being suppressed
That is Hong Kong's political reality.
A major Hong Kong Web sit has stopped blocking its chatroom users from discussing Taiwan independence after criticism and protests from public.
呼吁大众不要放弃争取民主encourage people not to give up the fight for democracy
和普选有关的议题universal-suffrage-related issues
定立普选时间表the establishment of a timetable for achieving universal suffrage
杯葛一场不民主选举boycotting an undemocratic election
争取普选特首和立法会urge the Government to implement elections for the Chief Executive and lawmakers by universal suffrage
争取机会显示争取民主的决心seize the chance to show determination in the fight for democracy
The proportion of directly elected seats would remain at 50 per cent.
阿布格莱布监狱Abu Ghraib jail
阻延民主改革thwart democratic reform
侵占人民的基本权利usurp the fundamental rights of the people
保障中共宪法赋予的权利protecting rights enshrined in China's constitution
保障他们的知情权protect their right of access to information
封咪事件the "off-air" incident
恢复其城大的教职resume his teaching post at City University