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the Central Election Commission
2007年行政长官的选举模式the mode of election in 2007 for the chief executive
一人一票原则the "one man, one vote" principle
一名选举官员an election official
一个以普选为核心的政纲a platform built around universal suffrage
七一效应"July 1 effect"
八百人组成的选举委员会the 800-member Election Committee
八零年代中期开始参选tried his hand at elections in the mid-1980s
十二月的立委选举the December legislative election
三二零和平公投the March 20 peace referendum
三角竞逐a three-cornered race
下届立法会选举投民主派议员一票vote for the pro-democracy camp in the next Legco elections
小圈子选举a "small-circle" election
would not mind standing "just to accompany someone else" in the race
不公平的选举a rigged election
不少朋友连日来鼓励她出来参选had been receiving a continuous stream of entreaties from friends for her to stand
不再尝试在其它选区扩展势力stop seeking expansion into other districts
不喜欢有政党背境的候选人did not favour candidates with party affiliations
中间选民swing voters
公布提名程序的细节announce details of the nomination process
公投议题referendum issue
Public dissatisfaction with the pro-government DAB has surged to 74 per cent from 53 per cent in the last election, in 1999.
支持立会全部六十席议席都由直选产生supported all 60 seats in Legco being returned by universal suffrage in 2008
比以前提早三个小时关闭投票站close the polling stations three hours earlier than usual
以个人理由为由退选cited personal reasons for dropping out of the contest
He won't be running if he's just accompanying the others.
He declined to anticipate his chance of winning a seat in next year's Legco elections.
He didn't start a war to serve his re-election campaign.
代表工会的立法会议员刘千石的助手an aide to unionist legislator Lau Chin-shek
出席选举论坛take part in election debates
Foreign policy has dominated the race for the presidency.
巨头、明星prominent figures
The need for the election to proceed smoothly was the priority.
民主派人士鼎力支持the great support of many democratic forces
The pro-democracy camp is planning to put forward 25 candidates to stand for the Legislative Council elections in September.