纪律部队人员总工会主席黄伟雄Stephen Wong Wai-hung, spokesman for the Joint Committee of the Disciplined Services Staff Association
About 70 per cent of the jobs offered required no previous experience.
面试问题interview questions
面对现实face up to reality
香港人力资源管理学会Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management
香港专业人才协会Hong Kong Professionals and Executives Association
香港雇主联合会Hong Kong Federation of Employers
剥削工人exploiting workers
Morale among staff is low.
海外经验overseas experience
退休人士retired people/retirees
做兼职take on part-time job
做繁重的家庭杂务perform onerous chores
商人会把业务北移employers would move their operations across the border
国际劳工公约International Labour Conventions
专业团体professional groups
推动香港的创意工业promote Hong Kong's creative industry
现时两套的编更制度two sets of rostering system in use
设计智优计划DesignSmart Initiative
This means the workers, in effect, pays the Government's contributions to MPF from their own pocket.
连最基本的安全措施也没有a lack of even rudimentary safety measures
连续工作36小时work 36 hours straight
造纸厂paper mills
创意产业/创意工业creative industries
创意产业的总就业人数the number of people emplyed by creative industries
劳工市场labour market
劳工顾问委员会the Labour Advisory Board
就业人数the number of employed people
就业博览会job fair
Employment figures recently rose to a three-year high.
提供培训机会offering them training opportunities
提供就业机会providing employment opportunities
散工、临时工人casual staff
暑期实习生summer intern
减少工时reducing working hours
无良雇主unscrupulous employers
无晋升机会have no promotion prospects
无需工作经验do not require work experience
无需相关经验did not require relevant experience
童工child labourers/underage workers
雇用某人recruit somebody/hire somebody/take somebody on/employ somebody; In American English you hire people for any job, but in British English you only hire people for a particular purpose for a short time. Otherwise you employ them or take them on (or, more formally, appoint them)。
损害工人利益hurt workers' interests
新入行的new entrants
新请的员工new recruits/new hires(AmE)
会在今年投入印度的就业市场will hit the job market in India this year
会流失好的员工would lose good staff members
会提供数以百计的职位空缺will offer several hundred vacancies
会聘请本地毕业生would hire Hong Kong graduates
违反内地劳工法例对最低工资和最低工作年龄的要求breaching the mainland's labour ordinance on minimum wage and minimum age???
过长工时long working hours/work very long hours
预留多些时间给妻儿putting more time aside for their spouses and children
雇员再培训计划Employees Retraining Scheme
雇员补偿条例Employees' Compensation Ordinance
雇佣条例Employment Ordinance
For some, it is economic circumstance that drives them into night-shift work.
The management gave an assurance that no reporters or anchors would be made redundant because of the switch.
制衣业训练局Clothing Industry Training Authority
影响升职机会hindered their career prospects
编更duty rosters???
编更问题rostering dispute???
The survey covered 128 companies last year.
遭到剥削face exploitation
亲中团体工联会数以百计的会员hundreds of pro-Beijing Federation of Trade Union members
帮助他们就业和发展潜能help them enter the job market and develop their potential
Seapower was charged under the Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance, which carries a maximum fine of $500000 and a six-month jail sentence.
扩建工厂expanded its plant
职工盟the Confederation of Trade Unions
职位空缺job vacancies
职业女性career women
职业介绍所an employment agency
职业再培训中心job retraining centers
职业安全及健康条例Occupational Safety and Health Regulation
职业性失聪(补偿)条例Occupational Deafness (Compensation) Ordinance
职业病a professional hazard
蓝领blue-collar workers
转工、跳糟changed jobs
(迪士尼乐园)创造18,400个职位create 18,400 new jobs
(解雇员工时的)一个月代通知金one-month exgratia payment
There would be no sackings before 2000.
二百九十名被解雇员工the 290 sacked workers
十一年来没有固定工作hasn't had a steady job in 11 years
大规模裁员的先兆/前奏a prelude to mass lay-offs
大幅减少招募员工severely cutting back on recruiting
不打算裁减人手had no plans to trim staff
不能承诺不再裁员cannot guarantee no lay-offs
不断上升的失业率remorseless rise in unemployment
中年失业人士middle-aged unemployed people
He said morale among the remaining staff had been badly shaken by the sackings and the employees feared they could be next in line for the axe.
可保留所有退休保障计划及额外获得九个月薪酬would retain their full retirement packages as well as a payout of nine months' basic salary
可省回六千一百万元人工开支save up to HK$61 million in staff costs
可获最多六个月薪金作遣散赔偿receive up to six months' pay
unemployed/out of work (a)
unemployment (u); Thousands of young people are facing long-term unemployment./Youth unemployment is over 50%./measures to help reduce/tackle unemployment/ Unemployment is still rising despite the economy recovery.
失业人士the unemployed
失业率jobless rate/unemployment rate
It was the third consecutive quarter the jobless rate had risen.
It was the fourth consecutive month that the jobless rate has fallen. It is now the lowest since March, before Sars hit the city.
But joblessness hit a record 4.4% last year and is expected to rise further.
失业率在十二月轻微下降至6.5%. The jobless rate dipped marginally in December to 6.5 per cent.
Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa yesterday provided a further $700 million to create 32,000 temporary jobs and training places for young people and the middle-aged, a move that comes as Hong Kong's jobless rate looks set to top 8 per cent.
打击黑工/打击非法劳工crack down on illegal labour
本来人手就不够,现在再裁减约三千名员工cut 3,000 or so jobs from an already depleted workforce
未能为年青人创造就业机会failing to create jobs for young people
未能减轻她对失业的忧虑/仍然担心失业had not allayed her fears about unemployment
未过试用期就被酒店辞退了was made redundant from a hotel job before even passing probation
The unemployment problems triggered by economic restructuring will not disappear in one or two years.
The unemployment rate would not fall to the pre-handover level in his lifetime.
He also held that the controversial use of legislation to enforce the cut - a factor which led around 30,000 civil servants to take to the streets - was valid.
年青人失业率the unemployment rate among young people
收到大信封received letters of dismissal
有四百二十员工,本地和内陆各占一半have about 420 staff divided equally between Hong Kong and mainland
There are better means of creating employment.
自愿提早退休计划voluntary early retirement package
自愿离职计划the "voluntary exit" programme
行业正衰退the industry was flagging
抗议公司取消年尾花红protested against plans to scrap year-end bonuses
找工作已三个月had been job hunting for three months
It is still quite difficult to find employment.
依然担心会裁员worried about being laid off from work
刺激就业stimulate employment
受影响员工affected staff/affected employees