巴士乘客bus passengers
巴士专用线bus-only lanes
巴士转乘优惠bus interchange discounts
支线spur line
月台幕门safety screen doors
月票monthly tickets
以铁路为骨干的运输政策rail-led transport policy
He had a good driving record.
令街上挤满巴士flood the roads with buses
加快列车服务出现故障时的反应speed up its response to train service disruption
可能会削减部分巴士线some bus routes were likely to be cut
失去专利权,由新巴接手lost its franchise to New World First Bus
用二座位取代三座位replace three-seat benches with double-seats
申请加车费applying for a fare rise
申请加价apply to raise fares
地下铁路学生乘车证MTR student travel card
地铁主席钱果丰Raymond Chien Kuo-fung, the MTRC chairman
MTR services have beeen disrupted at least 10 times in recent weeks.
The Mass Transit Railway and Kowloon-Canton Railway operated trains throughout the night.
The Mass Transit Railway Corporation (MTRC) announced a six-month offer starting from December 10 that would give one free ride for every 10 trips taken using an Octopus card within a week.
Trains are to run more regularly on the MTR in response to a rise in passenger demand.
在一列荃湾线列车的第一节车厢in the first compartment of the Tsuen Wan line train
在三条主要市区路线于非繁忙时间加密班次increase the frequency of trains on the three main urban lines to four-minute intervals during
在地铁车厢内inside an MTR carriage
在罗湖过境上大陆crossed to the mainland at Lowu
有信心不会被抢走乘客are confidant of being able to maintain passenger figures
行走40号线的九巴a Kowloon motor Bus on route 40
西铁West Rail
免费穿梭巴士a free shuttle bus
冷气巴士air-conditioned bus
冷气巴士路线air-conditioned route
廷长服务时间will run extended services
廷续专营权renew its franchise
We feel there is greater development potential in Tin Shui Wai.
an increase in seating capacity from 16 to 24
改装(巴士)座位reconfigure seating on their vehicles
There was a sharp decline in patronage on the MTR lines and Airport Express due to a drop in tourism and economic activities as a result of the severe acute respiratory (Sars) outbreak.
沙中线the Shatin to Central Link
车站上盖物业发展收入revenue from property developments above the stations
使用公共交通工具using public transport
来回车票、来回机票return/return ticket/round-trip ticket(AmE)
The two companies had been battling for market share by intensifying the frequency of their schedules.
Both have relied on profits from housing developments above their stations to fund the construction of their sprawling networks.
两条路线的预期载客量forecasts of passenger numbers on these two lines
Both corporations' fare rise proposals yesterday triggered protests from lawmakers, some of whom were worried about the lack of a system to monitor fare rises.
There must be scope to lower fares in some areas if the two companies were merged.
季票season ticket
旺角地铁站E1出口Exit E1 of the Mongkok MTR
油麻地小轮公司Yaumati Ferry Company
物有所值的铁路支线服务value-for-money railway extension services
直通车through train
长途客passengers on long-distance routes
信德船务Shun Tak Shipping
Under the KCRC plan, the 17.1 km line will be completed by the end of 2008 and will create 12,000 jobs.
指票价过高criticised the fares as too expensive
The government's policy is to develop railways as the backbone of our public transport system.
既防止冷气流失至隧道,也避免跳轨事件发生stop air-conditioned air flowing into the tunnels and people jumping on to the tracks
Tuesday is Winter Solstice and the KCRC estimates many people will leave work early.
为免乘客不便/方便乘客spare passengers from inconvenience
研究其它支线计划review other alignment proposals
穿梭巴士shuttle buses
纪念储值车票commemorative stored-value ticket
On completion of the planned railway projects, about 70% of the population and 80% of employment will fall within the railway catchment area.
计划加价百分之二点五至三proposing raising fares between 2.5 and three per cent
重新设定入闸机收费changed price settings on the toll gates
飞站missing bus stops
香港电车公司Hong Kong Tramways Ltd.
乘直通车上大陆board direct coaches to the mainland
乘搭巴士上班上学commute on bus
乘搭头班车去某处catch the first bus to somewhere
冻结收费三年后申请加价,平均加幅百分之三点一seek to raise fares by an average of 3.1 per cent after a three-year freeze
容纳近40条巴士路线靠站的巴士站a stop designated for almost 40 routes
班次稀疏的路线low-frequency route
售票机ticket machine
坚持现有的支线计划stood firm on the existing proposed alignment???
将会装上八达通收费机would be fitted with Octopus system
接驳巴士服务feeder bus services
推出月票launch a monthly pass
推出转乘优惠introduce bus transfer discounts
Trains on the Kwun Tong, Tsuen Wan and Island lines now operate at five-minute intervals.
The discounted fare of $6 is a 70-cent reduction on the normal fare of $6.70 and will last for 2 months.???
第五卡车厢the fifth carriage
通用储值票common stored-value tickets
通宵巴士overnight bus
通勤列车commuter train
单程车票single/single ticket/single-journey tickets
愉景湾航运Discovery Bay Transportation Services
港九小轮Hong Kong & Kowloon Ferry (HKKF)
港澳码头Macau Ferry Terminal
港穗直通巴士服务Guangzhou-Hongkong express coach service
A new chapter of ferry services started at midnight last night.
绝对对我们的计划没有偏见would definitely not have any prejudice against our project???
乡郊路线rural route
搭上荃湾线的尾班车回家boarded the last train on the Tsuen Wan line home
新世界第一巴士服务有限公司New World First Bus Services Ltd.
The expanded network will also increase the railway's share of the public transport system from 31 to 43 per cent by 2016.???
The MTRC's heavy reliance on the granting of land for property development has proved unsustainable as a result of the economic downturn.
经罗湖过境的旅客Lowu-bound passengers
装上八达通收费机installing the Octopus car payment system
预期初期搭客量为每日十万人次forecast initial daily traffic of about 100,000 people
Fares were last raised in April 1997.
磁浮列车/磁浮火车magnetic-levitation train
磁悬浮列车maglev train
绿色专线小巴green minibuses
轻铁Light Rail
撬开车门prised the doors apart
机场快线Airport Express
Services on the MTR Airport Express were strengthened while Hongkong Tramways and the Peak Tram extended services into early morning.
错过往南丫岛的尾班船missed the last ferry to Lamma
头部被地铁列车车门夹着whose head became trapped by closing MTR doors
龙运巴士有限公司Long Win Bus Co. Ltd.
应付越来越大的过境旅客流量meeting the needs of growing cross-border traffic
挤进车厢squeeze into the compartment
获发港岛区(巴士)专利权being granted a franchise licence for Hong Kong Island
繁忙时间the rush hour/peak-hours
The peak-hour frequency will remain the same, with trains arriving every two minutes.???
韩国制列车Korean-made train
转乘优惠transit concessions (discounts when travellers change from one form of transport to another)
离岛线outlying island routes
离境乘客departing passengers
双层巴士double-decker bus
Peak Tram services will be extended to 2am on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year's Eve.
(加价)令乘客却步scare off passengers
(的士)接过境生意conduct cross-border runs
大屿山的士Lantau taxi
市区的士urban taxi
石油气的士LPG taxi
西北区的士司机从业员总会The Northwest Area Taxi Drivers & Operators Association
完成夜更finish a night shift
的士司机taxi driver
的士同业联会Taxi Operators Association