(法例等)需要重新审订needs an overhaul
(前)大律师公会主席汤家骅Bar Association chairman Ronny Tong SC
(违反该条法例的)最高判罚为入狱三年carries a maximum sentence of three year's imprisonment
《虎报》笃数案the Hong Kong Standard circulation fraud case
《个人资料(私隐)条例》the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance
"No win, no fee"
Members accepted that the court was wrong in not seeking an interpretation from the NPC before its final ruling.
人身保护令、出庭令habeas corpus
已严重损害对香港法治的信心have caused considerable damage to Hong Kong's confidence in the rule of law
不能干涉内地法律制度can't interfere in the mainland's legal system
不想释法don't want a legal interpretation
不拥载三权分立的概念does not believe in the separation of powers into three branches
内地法律专家mainland legal experts
内地专家的法律意见legal opinions expressed by mainland experts
反对人大释法opposed to Beijing's decision to interpret the Basic Law
令人忧虑再有释法has raised fears that another interpretation of the Basic Law is in the offing
加强法治strengthening the "rule of law"
可免受罚would be spared punishment
可能会考虑再次释法may consider another interpretation
可被判监一年would be liable to imprisonment for a year
司法制度the judicial system
司法管豁权jurisdiction in criminal matters
必须遵守本地法律have to comply with local laws
未能维护司法独立failed to safeguard judicial independence
正在寻找法律意见was seeking a legal opinion
申请法律援助apply for legal aid
白纸草案white bill
刑事检控专员江乐士Director of Public Prosecutions Grenville Cross
As legal proceedings were under way it would be inappropriate to comment.
在1974年列为法定语文was made an official language in 1974
在释法时in an interpretation of the territory's constitution
有一年宽限期have a year's grace
有违法治精神infringed the spirit of the rule of law
判决前寻求人大常委会释法seek an interpretation from the Standing Committee before making a judgment
We will never permit the rule of law to be compromised.
扭曲基本法以迁就政治目的twisting the Basic Law for political expediency
没有法律约束力are not legally binding
没有法律效力的历史文件a historical document with no legal standing
That will lead to a crisis.
It suggests that there is a determination to enforce the law.
防止中国当局夺取香港司法部门对香港案件的司法管豁权prohibits the Chinese authorities from usurping the jurisdiction of the Hong Kong judiciary in Hong Kong cases
并不容许某事there is no provision for something
A two-year term was consistent with the Basic Law's legislative intent.
具域外法律效力has an extra-territorial effect
制定一条法律enact a law
和82名法律界代表会面met 82 legal-sector representatives
奉公守法的市民law-abiding citizens
放弃香港的普通法原则surrender Hong Kong's common law principles
But when the legislation came into force in 2003, it was clear that enforcement would be a big problem.
法治精神the spirit of the rule of law
法律改革委员会Law Reform Commission
法律制度legal system
法律专家legal experts
法律专业特权legal professional privilege
法律费用legal fees
The court is bowing to pressure from Beijing.
阻吓作用the deterrent effect
青少年罪犯评估项目小组Young Offender Assessment Panel
保证法律面前人人平等ensuring that all are equal before the law
律师行law firm
按条件收费conditional fees
Drivers caught using mobile phones can be fined up to $2000 under a law to take effort in April.
是次判决立了坏先例the conviction would set a bad precedent
The case cuts to the heart of current debate on freedom and market economies.
美国司法部US Justice Department
美国司法部长雷诺Attorney General Janet Reno
美国联邦法官US federal judge
But I cannot see how the new chief executive could serve a two-year term without a fresh interpretation of the Basic Law.
If Beijing opts for an interpretation, it would be the third interpretation of the Basic Law since the handover.
要求法院判决前向人大寻求释法argues that the case needs to go to the National People's Congress before the Hong Kong court rules on the matter
迫使他们要在法庭上自辩forced them to represent themselves in court
首席法官李国能Chief Justice Andrew Li Kwok-nang
香港人权法案条例the Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance
The government does not legally recognise same-sex marriages.
书面援权证明written authority
The Government will ask the Court of Final Appeal to clarify its controversial ruling on the right of abode in a move aimed at ending the constitutional crisis.
破坏一国两制及司法独立had damaged judicial independence and the SAR's autonomy
破坏司法独立和法治destroying judicial independence and the rule of law
侧重物业转让工作are preoccupied with conveyancing
偷录被告与律师的对话taped a conversation between one of the accused and his solicitor
国家统一法national unification law
国际刑事法庭The International Criminal Court
国籍法Nationality Law
基本法的立法原意the legislative intent of the Basic Law
The legislative intent of the Basic Law was clear and there was no need for an interpretation.
堵塞税务的法律漏洞closing tax-law loopholes
There are still some unforeseen operational difficulties.
采取法律行动take legal action
More Hong Kong people now accept that interpretations from Beijing will be delivered from time to time.
习惯法customary law
It would be another bad case of politics being put above the law.
This will be the third interpretation of the Basic Law by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.
It put the integrity of the Judiciary in jeopardy.