
时间:2020-03-02 17:43:24


[01:17.26]We are gonna be taking some contaminated material to the incinerator, 我们要把污染物送到焚化炉
[01:18.50]So we need gonna some space in the back. 所以车后面最好有点空间
[01:21.62]There you go. - How much is it? - 就这辆吧 - 多少钱?
[01:24.30]It costs $ 1999.00 1999块
[01:28.02]Any room to count down on that? 还能不能再便宜点?
[01:29.98]That is the ground floor,  I'm probably gonna lose money on this one. 已经是最低价了  我说不定还要赔钱呢
[01:33.70]I just want to make room for some new products. - We can pay cash. - 我只是想早点清货 - 我们可以付现金
[01:39.10]We have some cash. We have some cash we can put down. 我们有现金 我们有一些现金
[01:40.94]Cash is good. - What about all this rust3? - 现金倒是好东西 - 这些锈迹怎么办?
[01:43.66]That's character. - That's bullshit. - 个性嘛 - 扯淡
[01:45.78]We were just in the Motor Market in Loomis, They had a Chevy G SERIES? 我们刚才去过卢米斯市的汽车市场  他们有辆雪佛兰的G系列
[01:51.02]For $ 1900.00. - With power steering4? - 只卖1900块 - 有动力方向盘吗?   - 有啊
[01:56.86]What is this? - It's a radio station. - 这是什么? - 那是个对讲机
[01:58.22]What you do with that is you push down on that thing and held that other thing down. 你只需要按下那个  然后把旁边的按住
[02:02.06]And it makes your voice got up to the air in radio waves. 它就能够让你的声音在电波中传播
[02:05.46]Right into the heaven. - The heaven? - 一直到天堂 - 天堂?
[02:10.06]How about a test drive? 要不要试驾一下?
[02:14.14]There you go. 给你


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